Reached 53.4 KG but Still Have Belly Fat

@typingsound Get something to eat bro, u will never be aesthetic in this weight, u will look skinny and weak. Dont rush, without gears it will takes years to gain a good amount of muscle mass to compensate when cutting fat. Eat a little surplus, let the belly fat comes, who cares!! its the only way to gain muscle. Try to reach 80-85 kg very slowly, then cut fat. Remember when cutting dont go below 70kg.
@typingsound 53kg at 1,74m and still belly fat clearly means that you lost a shit ton of lean mass aka muscle.

That's why I rate cardio as the main source for dropping weight, it only fools the scale but not the mirror. My go to be shredded with nice abs was always strict diet and lifting weights. 0 cardio, maybe 2 a week just to give a small boost.

My advice. Stop cardio for a time, increase your protein consumption to at least 150G of Protein a day and try to stay around 1800kcal max a day. And start lifting weights and do abs exercise, and again, give a pause in cardio, it fools the scale but not the mirror!
@typingsound 1.75mts and 53 KG????? im 1.75mts, right now im fat and weight 113 KG, but when i was lean and my arms where significant smaller the lowest i weight was 77KG and i looked like almost a freaking skeleton, my healthy weight was 82/83kg, i cant imagine weighting 53 kg i would probably be dead.

That "belly" you have, is nothing but skin. You need to put at least 10 more KG of muscle AND fat.
@typingsound You are almost there, my advice is and I know a lot of people don’t agree with me but cardio is the key. Your body burns the fat where it last puts it in your body, but the first place where the fat goes is in your stomach. That’s why people struggle to get rid of it, but with a good calorie deficit system you can get rid of it. And then bulk up. ( that’s what I do, and it works for me)
@typingsound Not sure how much this will help but as a 38 year old I would like to share a little perspective. Keep going. You can tweak your diet, you can put in more work, you can use more difficult progressions. But keep going. As you age there's just a greater propensity for the body to hold fat and lose muscle. Forget the mirror and focus on the progress of strength and ability. For the record your Pic looks like you're around 15 % body fat. That literally puts in the top 10% physique. Just keep going.
@typingsound So the real answer your looking for is to up your cardio and watch your calories. If I were trying to get as lean as possible I’d have one week where I walk off 7,000 calories(2 lbs of fat) and then after that I’d resume strength training with 3,500 calories burned per week with walking. I’d also watch my diet BUT

If i personally got that lean I’d be 210 lbs at 6’2. I’m currently 224 lbs at around 14% body fat. So even if I leaned out to single digits I’d still be “overweight” because of the muscle i have. You need to get to that point first or it won’t look healthy
@typingsound You have to get overall fat percentage down by increasing muscle mass or decreasing fat mass. This will be done more with diet and exercise in congruences and not one or the other. It also depends on genetics, some people never see their abs despite doing everything “right” I would be counting cals and macros keeping fat at like 25-30%. Healthy fats and keep added sugars below 50g/ day