Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

@dawn16 I get mine from I get the whey concentrate and it comes in a ton of flavours. I have cooked and cream and chocolate peanut butter but I've tried plain chocolate, mint chocolate chip and strawberry. All quite tasty.

Edit: tried to fix link, apparently not working :(
it's a guilt-free way for me to get my chocolate peanut butter fix.

So glad I'm not the only one. Snicker doodle protein mixed with cashew milk tastes like a treat. For breakfast it's so much closer to what I prefer (sugar filled cereal) than a more macro friendly option (eggs). I do like eggs but some days you want something else!
@dawn16 Exactly this. I have fairly limited calories (1300-1600, depending on whether or not I'm exercising - sadly it'll be 1300 until my calf heals) and so I'm always trying to find low-cal, tasty ways to get what I need.
@ibelong I agree with what you posted - whey is just to get more protein if you can't get it another whey (haha)

A serving of whey protein can have the same amount of protein as three fast food hamburgers

What? This doesn't sound right to me.

Hamburgers from where?

My serving of ON Gold Standard Chocolate is 24g

At Five Guys I get the small bunless burger, it's 20g
@jsmithcavs I looked it up too, and I think they were comparing extremes. A Mcdonald hamburger has about 12 grams of protein, most whey protein ranges from 20-30 grams per serving. Really depends on the burger I guess.
@jsmithcavs I thought that was weird too. Like beef has tons of protein. And most burgers are decently sized these days. I mean, maybe not an itty bitty McDonald's dollar menu burger. That's probably more like 12-15g.
@doyola38 Well of course! I wasn't pointing out calorie comparisons, just protein. I can't even eat a big mac so I would never use it to destroy my calorie goals for the day :)
@knowhisjoy77 It sounds like I need to up the steak intake lol! I mostly stick with chicken and pork. Cows were my favorite animal when I was younger so I tend to stay away from eating beef very often :D
@ibelong I am so tired of refuting this 1g/lb nonsense. I have nothing against protein powder, but we don't need this much protein.

This article is not sourced, and it claims to rate the "effectiveness" of protein powders by g per serving?? Maybe that would be a useful statistic compared against cost per serving, but on its own, completely useless. It only tells you the size of the scoop they include.