Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible


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1) Train 6 days/week

2) Train each muscle 2-4 times/week

3) Train each muscle between 3-0 RIR and 4-10 sets per workout

4) Add weight/reps every session

5) Deload

6) 1g protein per lb of body weight per day

7) Eat 4-5 times/day (an equivalent amount of protein through meals is super important, e.g. 160g per day and you have 4 meals, each meal has 40g of protein or thereabouts)

8) Eat in a 250-500 kcal/day surplus

9) Sleep enough

10) Be consistent

@un161 I mean, maybe 6 days a week is rough for a lot of us but any person who is seriously training can do 4x per week for long stretches of time and nail most of the rest. When life gets in the way, you adjust as best you can but that’s a reasonable list. “Few adults” also train seriously or do more than watch tv so what works for a normal adult doesn’t really matter.
@grace_chaser Well sure, but then it's a fact that few adults can seriously train in that way.

If you don't have a family (children, basically) or a job, then, yeah, you can. But having both children and a job, it is very hard to squeeze in 6 training sessions per week AND to keep track of your nutrition and sleep in the way you need to in order for this plan to work.
@un161 I get what you’re saying and I’m not trying to be snarky, but this is literally a sub called natural bodybuilding… Those recs are for people who train and want to build muscle as fast as possible, presumably because bodybuilding is their hobby or their competitive sport. Its not about general fitness, in which case this could be a much easier list.
@grace_chaser Totally. I see a lot of beginners burnout from going too hard too fast. Maximising anything means severely diminishing returns. Most people are better off with a sustainable program with 75% of the gains.
@kimbarcelo25 and Dr. Mike states this in a lot of videos that newbies should not train more than 3 times a week for that reason. This video is about going balls to the wall, eeking out every possible gain, turning every efficiency up to 11, how to do as fast as possible.
@un161 I have 2 kids. Bodybuilding is a luxury. Sadly my ex left me and took the kids and suddenly i have so much time to lift. There is a reason for a phrase “dad bod”. Dads with jobs can’t really keep going to the gym for a long period.
@un161 I’m experiencing this currently and it’s tough with young children. When they are more independent it should be easier I think. Just don’t get stuck driving them around all day and night.
@un161 I don't even have children (or a life for that matter), but I still can't find the energy and motivation lots of times after work to go workout
@grace_chaser Yeah I used to do 6x/week before I started my career and I’d love to go back to that, but its very difficult to be consistent on 6 days per week when you’re also working full time and doing all the errands you gotta do to be a functional adult. Much easier to do 5x/week consistently (and better than 6x/week inconsistently imo).
@grace_chaser Exactly...most people will get better results doing 4 days a week. And instead of the standard upper lower, you do front-upper/rear lower M/Th and then front-lower/rear-upper Tu/F.

4 Days a week is easier to consistently hit.

This hits ever body part 2x a week yet provides ample rest

You don't have a killer leg day 2x a week and instead to legs every workout to start