Thank you r/bodyweightfitness, you changed my life for the best. I now go to the gym but still include bodyweight exercises in my routine


New member
M/22/5'10" [225lbs > 185lbs = 40lbs] (1 year). I tried to x-post from r/progresspics but couldn't because of the linked picture.

Here is a picture of my transformation :
This is a copypasta of my r/progresspics comment :

"I did a strict diet for 6 months (2200->1800 kcal, macros were something like 150g protein/100g fats/remaining carbs), this is where I lost most of the fat (I went down to 170 lbs) then slowly bulked up to where I am today. I don't really count calories anymore but I manage to atleast get enough protein during the day. Training wise, I did cardio and weightlifting/bodyweight fitness at home for 2 months (kinda PPLish, I was mainly learning how to exercise correctly), then bodyweight fitness outdoor for 6 months (the r/bodyweightfitness recommended routine, thank you for this sub and the community by the way) and finally started going to the gym 6/7days doing a linear progression PPL, recently switched to nSuns 6day deadlift program. I still do cardio but not as frequently as when I started my fitness journey (I run 2*5k a week or something). Lifts 1RM are 190lbs bench press, 260 lbs squat, and 330 lbs deadlift (calculated)."

I wasn't even able to do 1 push up at the start of my journey. I managed to get 1 bad form pull-up after ~2 months of training (I trained with negative pull-ups and bands) and it was one of the best feeling in my life. I think that without bodyweight fitness I wouldn't have been able to make the decision to subscribe to the gym. I know that people don't judge and all, but going in there with a bit of fitness background was definitely needed for my consciousness for some stupid reason.

When I stopped doing the RR, progression-wise I was doing L-sitish pullups, ring dips, (almost) tuck-Lsit, step-ups, rings push-ups, wide rows (I was also able to do 1-2 tuck front lever pulls with bad form).

I think I got a lot stronger core-wise and this is mainly thanks to the RR. It helps a lot in my current routine especially in deadlifts and squats. BW fitness also allowed my friends to start their fitness journey because it is a lot easier to bring them outdoor and do the routine than to the gym (And its a lot of fun !!)

My goal now is to reach the 1000 lbs club and cut a bit of fat for this summer. I still do pull-ups and the core routine in my current program (nSuns 6days deadlift)

Honestly, this is just a big thank you for all your ressources and your awesomeness. I'll be glad to answer your questions if you have any.
@titusyoder LOL. What if I told you I cut my hair during the party (it was lasting 2 days on a week-end) ?? It was ridiculous, I even cut myself a few times with the razor because I was drunk
@hurdwe Are you me? Because I discovered the fitness world through this sub and did RR for 6 months, then (metallicadpa's) PPL for 3 months and i'm now in nSuns 6day deadlift lol - also great job!! The difference is incredible for only 1 year
@tim275 Oooh xD. How are you feeling about nSuns's ?? I switched in january, there is a lot of volume I LOVE it ! I always had a hard time with pecs development but not anymore on this routine ! It was hard to keep up when I healed back from a flu though. Thank you for the kind words man :)
@hurdwe I'm loving it, but I may be a bit biased since I was left unemployed for the last 2 months, so I can really focus on recovery. Still, it's been only 3 weeks so far and I already feel the volume on presses is giving me great gainz
@dawn16 Well as I said it changed 4 times during this journey.
  • 1st phase : PPLish weightlifting and BW training at home (and a lot of cardio)
At this time, I was just starting out and was trying to apply the knowledge I gathered on internet correctly. I based my training on metallicadpa's PPL and did exercises depending on the stuff I had at home aka a homemade small power rack, a 15 lbs bar and weights (my little brother got into fitness seriously at 14, MMA and weightlifting, he built it with the help of my dad). Honestly at this time I was consistent in my training but I would just put a timer of let's say 1 hour and would do push, pull, legs exercises depending on the day of the week. Thinking about it it was stupid basing my training on time spent in my brother's room... but oh well we all do mistakes. Cardio wise I was so bad at the beginning, I couldn't even last 500 meters without stopping, but I kept at it and was able to run some kilometers without stopping at the end of the phase. I was running every other day for the first month and then every day.
  • 2nd phase : bodyweight training, recommend routine in the sidebar of this sub
I just followed the exercises progressions in the routine. This is where I got most of my current back strength I think. I did more volume than recommended though because I felt like it and I was able to recover from it (5x5-8 instead of 3x5-8 and 4days/week). I was running 5k with a friend every other day.
  • 3rd phase : weightlifting at the gym (PPL)
I just followed metallicadpa's PPL and then added some shrugs on pull days and abs exercises every other day. I stopped training cardio for some reason. My numbers went up really fast thanks to my bodyweight training background :
  • 4th phase : nSuns 6 day deadlift
Here is the spreadsheet :

I follow Swords_Not_Words's assistance work :
I started getting back into cardio too (I run 1-2 5k a week at the gym)
  • Diet wise, during my 6 months strict diet it was pretty much IIFYM with protein shakes to fill the protein in my diet if I needed it. I advise you to count calories to get an idea of how much calories food brings you, it is REALLY important. I don't count anymore because of laziness mainly but I still am aware of how much and what I eat. I drink diet soda whenever I am out eating at the restaurant or fast food with friends. I also -try- not to get fries at fast food for example.
Good luck man. Keep at it, it really feels great to see progress.