Things I Know Now After Doing the Recommended Routine for 1 Year That I Wish I Knew From the Beginning

@sydneyelise Exelent demonstration of your journey man. My troughts mostly where into.. how do i explain, i feel like for guys like you the rr focuses a bit too much on "acrobatic" holds and not much "raw" bodyweight strenght full motion exersices, aka, simple resistance, i mean, to build hypertrophy in the important parts to be somewhat resistant to injury before doing holds, that also helps to mainting correct form, in the book of overcoming gravity also talks about this. Basically means, do the basic exersices until you form in 100% ok (means you got the strenght) then after that you progress. I know, if you get bored or stuck, just search for another strenght (full motion the better) exercices, keep for like 3-4 months, then try again you form, youll be surprised. Also, eat a bit more protein while doing it and progress slowly, have and objective for the 2year mark, 1 year is a bit too fast too reach that level. Just my toughts.

Awesome to see your journey.

edit: i also had prblems with my elbow when i started 6 months ago, it was minor, but went away after 1 month, what i did is what i wrote, for example i started doing more pushups and dips in a chair, way more, like 4 months, even if it seemed easier, surprisingly.. really, my form improved in those very basic exercises, i tought i was doing them ok, but you feel it when you do it 100% ok, after that, elbow problems went away and never returned, i also started with parallel dips, no problems.
@sydneyelise My training has otherwise been different than yours, but I've also been stuck at around 10 pull-ups (even less if I do more than one set) for ages. Does anyone have an idea how to get from ~10 to ~15-20 pull-ups and how long is it supposed to take?
@rmartin Try the Russian fighter pull-up program. Google it. I’ve done it both weighted and unweighted with different grips and it almost doubled my unweighted max the first time I went through it with strict unweighted pull-ups.

The unweighted program is a month long. The first time I went through it, I started at 8 rep max and was up to 15 in 24 days. This is after following the program exactly and waiting a few days after I finished to test my max.

Currently I do the RR but substitute the pull-up progression with neutral grip weighted Russian fighter and am seeing some good results.
@rmartin I've recently been in the same position, stuck at 10ish. Two tricks have instantly helped me do more:

1.) use a deep overhand grip

2.) do weighted pullups. i just wear a backpack with books in it.
@sydneyelise Unilateral exercises provide benefits beyond the scope of bilateral ones such as helping fix imbalances and improving rotary and anti-rotation strength. They’re more tiring because they’re harder but you’ll get more out of them
@samuelc Not necessarily anything wrong with it, but supinated transfers better to moving up the skill difficulty to other advanced moves. And in supinated it gets a bit more of a active down pushing feeling what for me feels like it makes it hit more muscles. Past months i am slowly working on moving from pronated to supinated. Just try it you will notice the exercise feels different. And dont rush into a full supinated backlever from the start test the feeling with tucked version.
@divi98520 What specific move will it transfer into better? I'm not sure if I want to do that type of grip on a lever unless it carries into something I'm interested in. I can't do any levers right now anyways cause I have an elbow injury.
@samuelc Maltese etc and doing like backlever presses to planche. And i think it does strengthen the joints better because it needs a active press but not totally sure on that so. Yea i would not train it with a elbow injury because for me it felt when switching the gribs that supinated is heavier for the elbows. But it could eventually help with strengthening the elbow tendons etc.

Then again it depends on your goals, i switched the grip mainly because it felt like i was using the muscles better. With pronated it felt like i was more just hanging in the static hold instead of really pushing to maintain the static