Today would’ve marked the start of a 15 week prep. Here’s the result of 6 weeks of cleaning up the bulk in anticipation of this contest prep

@smash89 Read the sources man, don't get me wrong I'm not saying the way you're doing things don't work, I'm saying you're having slower progress in return for what you do compared to what you could get by training smarter. Hell even Arnold was preaching 2x per week training back in the day, this is not opposite of what "regular bodybuilders" do at all.
Meta-regression analysis of non-volume-equated studies showed a significant effect favoring higher frequencies, although the overall difference in magnitude of effect between frequencies of 1 and 3+ days per week was modest.

Your source. Brad always shits on bro-splits, also more research opposing that training modality has come out since that time.

Let's keep in mind we're talking about a competitor and not someone who lifts as a hobby.
@niecey85 He is stating the difference being modest was for volume non-equated, and no diff on volume quoted.

I dont give a fuck, I dont workshop Brad like this sub, but I do think he is fairly credible, minus the whole 45 set bullshit. He does not shit on bro splits, in fact many times he has posted about organizing your training however you'd like as long as your volume is adequate. And this was his 2019 META, in which he walked balk his conclusion from his 2016 META on the same topic.
@mcolley10 This piece came out then, it was made in 2018. And for an accurate interpretation you need to examine it considering other findings like the ones on volume per session. Here's Menno breaking it down so you can see how it doesn't support bro-splits at all.

Also, you need to differentiate when he gives practical applications to the general lifting community and competitors, because there's always a distinction, sometimes explicitly stated, sometimes implicit in the data (like here, small difference, but it's there and it's tied to other factors).
@niecey85 I’ll say that although not exactly twice a week frequency, splitting leg day in quads vs hams raised the volume by two and improved my legs tremendously. Recalling chest on shoulder day helps as well.
@radmilabartosova There's no downside to higher protein intakes for healthy individuals, in fact besides the direct effect on muscle protein synthesis, with some studies showing higher protein intakes to be better for muscle preservation and some other studies showing it makes no difference to go higher than the recommended guidelines, you generally do see other positive results in areas like fatigue, stress and adherence, plus the more immediate effects like higher satiety levels and a tiny bit increase in caloric expenditure.

Overall if ingesting higher amounts of protein doesn't make you eat excessively fewer carbs and bellow the recommended minimum of fat in order to reach a caloric goal, and if you can afford it, then there's no downsides, only potential benefits.