Today would’ve marked the start of a 15 week prep. Here’s the result of 6 weeks of cleaning up the bulk in anticipation of this contest prep

@dawn16 I use them pre and intra workout. It’s a digestive thing. I’ve had better results using aminos along my high carb pre workout meal rather than eating whole protein. I digest the carbs faster and get a better pump overall. I’ll also have some if I can’t get a meal in within 3 hours of the last.
@smash89 Why are you eating such an excessive amount of bro tein? The results after 0.8g/lb are diminishing. I'm sure you could get the same results and save some money on protein. Best of luck with training.
@smash89 Eric Helms' book recommends 1.0 to 1.2 g/lb on a cut. You're at 1.29 g/lb which is high but probably okay. Don't recall him mentioning anything about thermogenesis though so I wouldn't put much stock into that. Personally, I've found higher amounts of protein to improve satiety which is common.
@celticaire It honestly doesn’t matter my guy. When you get into that much of a difference you’re probably running into calculation errors anyways. The labels on food aren’t always correct. In fact they almost are never correct. They’re averages, and often lied on.
@smash89 OP posted about his recent training experience and a question and everyone in the thread is crapping on him.

Let him train how we wants to train and eat how he wants to eat, how about that?

He's obviously made excellent progress.
@dawn16 Well.. I mean the dude's entering a contest. If I were competing and hindering my own progress, I'd want someone to speak up because I want to do as well as I possibly can.
@dawn16 But muh science.

Yeah, agree. Its paralusis by anaysis. People wont want to share if the obvious results they get from what works for them gets a smak in tne head with a textbook.
@rcarnighan Yup, spend three hours a day worrying about the optimal leg workout or lift some heavy shit a lot of times until you puke and your legs are so swollen you walk like a pinguin with a stick up his ass.
@great_depression I don’t mean this post alone. I’ve looked into these concepts a while ago and found that for myself hitting a miscle group with the same volume as 2x a week or more on a single day works better. All the work and more time to fully recover.

I’ll look into that thread over breakfast, I’m starving ;)
@smash89 The first thought was “damn he looks yummy.” Then again when I start seeing my glute development all I would think “It looks like a peach you can bite.”