Tuck L-sit made me climax??

@mainstay Are you female? If so, I believe that something like 30% of women are supposed to be capable of orgasm purely through intense abdominal contractions.

I'm not familiar with that happening to men.
@mainstay Are you female? The following post assumes so.
Does this happen to a lot of women? It would be nice to know as I work with women sometimes in groups mostly mixed sex. I want to know when it is ok to offer support, distract the class, whatever to prevent this from becoming an issue for the person. Is this something I should look into?

I'll never forget how much a certain client was getting on my nerves. Every time we would jump rope … you can imagine the rest. I did nott know about that nuance at the time. I felt like an amazing asshole os the situation developed.

I try to make accommodations to make these sorts of issues complete non-issue and I ream anyone who makes a big deal out of it. It's the body doing its thing. It's beatiful. Get over yourself. Sorry for the rant.

Wish I had useful advice.
@jgren You mean someone who wishes they were a trainer pretending to white knight and defend his imaginary trainees fake jump rope related orgasms?

Happens once a day in this sub brah.