Ugh. Didn’t complete the scaled version and feel like a failure

@ilovejesus56129 Failure - that’s not showing up or trying. Scaled - good for you, you know your limits. Didn’t finish all reps - motivation to keep training & grinding.

Keep after it, the community here is proud of you.
@ilovejesus56129 The open is a test you take every year to track improvement. The only pass/fail you should worry about is if you did your best. Now you get to see how much you’ve improved when you do the open next year. You should be proud of your effort.
@ilovejesus56129 I’ve been doing CrossFit for 9 years and I’m coming to a decision after recovering from injuries a few times. Exercise, we are doing it for health and wellness no? We want to look good and feel good. You don’t need to hit some generally set standard to achieve that. You need to dial your food in and show up consistently to the gym and perform the minimum effort to make progress forward so that you can recover and do it again consistently. I no longer care about the prescribed wod. I scale so I get my work in and can go again the next day. Time under tension that week will be more if I can recover faster.
@ilovejesus56129 You showed up. You gave it what you had to give and that’s what matters. Keep showing up and you’ll keep improving. And it’s awesome to see how far you come year to year. Don’t be discouraged and don’t ever give up. 171 is awesome!!! Great work brother!!
@ilovejesus56129 that work out was a lot harder than i expected. i barley finished doing the scaled version. and I do not consider myself in bad shape. i have to realize the people completing this in RX have exceptional fitness.
@ilovejesus56129 It was so tough. I was shocked at the number of athletes at our box who I consider to be way above my ability level get capped or come pretty darn close to it. People who I expected to kill it! You showed up and you did it. Be proud of what you did and don't let it get you down.
@ilovejesus56129 You kicked ass for FIFTEEN MINUTES. That’s a LONG time to put out as hard as you did. You should be so proud of yourself for 171. It was a super challenging workout, and you killed it.

Nothing wrong with doing it again if you want to! I personally would like to never do it again 😂 I’m sure it’ll come up next year during open prep and that’s the first time I intend to redo it