Ultimate Gym Excel Sheet - Features: 22 customizable exercises, % of 1RM calculator, 1RM calculator, TDEE/BMR/BMI Calculator, Macro Plan, & MORE


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As a Personal Trainer and gym rat i've got many different apps for many different things. It gets annoying. So I figured i'd make an excel sheet that contains everything I and my clients need in the gym, and a little extra.

Features of the sheet:
  • Enter up to 21 fully customizable exercises which will be used in dropdown menu's
  • Find any % of your 1RM for workout plans.
  • Calculate your 1RM from 2 till 12 reps.
  • Find out how many times you gotta lift X weight before you can lift Y weight for 1.
  • Show you the perfect warm-up routine for your 1RM
  • Calculate your TDEE/BMR/BMI
  • Let's you make your own macro plan.
  • & More
Download here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CykXtIEi1EOhVyzvxFRsVQg688VghGy-/view?usp=sharing

Free for my Reddit friends ;)
@willowwhisp Highly suggest for the TDEE you somehow find a way to use a calculation similar to nSuns TDEE 3.0 Calculator, which is by far and away more accurate than any other TDEE estimate (the one you use + others on the internet are usually highly inaccurate). I don’t know how easy it would be, but it would definitely be an incredible addition to this spreadsheet.
@dawn16 On one hand, as someone who has used the nSuns calculator as well as many people I know, it can be just as inaccurate. On the other hand, TDEE calculators are something you use just once when you first start tracking calories and weight, and you only need to be in the right ballpark (it's impossible for them to be accurate anyways), you don't really need a lot of accuracy because from there you make adjustments according to how your weight moves and pretty soon end up at the right amount anyways.
@willowwhisp I don’t know how to convey my gratitude. You’re amazing. And I am seriously sending you positive vibes during my meditation session. Thank you for sharing.