Update: 24 mos of bwf- - M/36/5’10

@dhsmith9ii I'd say just stay away from processed food as much as you can and keep working at it. Don't let yourself get in your head regarding macros. Just put in the work and eat clean. Tofu, salads, tacos, curries, are all your friend.
@rkenoke Damn that is an incredible transformation. I meant to ask what you weighed because I'm down to 170 but in my teens I was much closer to 300 pounds... I have a pretty significant amount of loose skin even after adding C25k to my fitness routine. Glad you dodged that issue because man I wish I had visible abs like yours.
Damn that is an incredible transformation. I meant to ask what you weighed because I'm down to 170 but in my teens I was much closer to 300 pounds... I have a pretty significant amount of loose skin even after adding C25k to my fitness routine. Glad you dodged that issue because man I wish I had visible abs like yours.

If you look closely I had some loose skin around my stomach too. Nothing wild but definitely still have some now. I'm not stressing on it tho. A little flab isn't going to stop me from being proud of all the progress and I hope it doesn't stop you either.
@rkenoke Any suggestions or further explanation of your diet? Its been the most difficult thing for me and ive been considering becoming vegetarian for a while now so maybe i could do both at once.
@poletniy eat as little processed food as possible. I still have a lot of junk in my diet but my motto has been good, is good enough. Try not to snack hard but when you do, just forgive yourself and get back on the path.
@nod2014 Start with the RR BWF primer! It's in the BWF getting started section.

Just stay consistent. Remember. 1 month to feel a difference. 2 months to see a difference. 3 months for others to see a difference.

good luck mate. PM's are open.