Update: 24 mos of bwf- - M/36/5’10

@fratilama Below the bottom mate. Couldn’t do a proper set of pull-up’s. I started with just mobility at first and walking for the first two weeks. Then the bwf primer. Then the RR
@rkenoke I just went back and read through your 6/12/18 month updates as well. Hell of a journey man, massive congrats!

I'm curious to know, when you started, it said you didn't track macros at all, but did you track calories? What about for the past year or so, did you track calories or macros?

Also, were you on a bulk or recomp?

Right now I've been on a cut but now that a lot of the fat has gone, there's not enough muscle underneath, and I need to figure out whether I should recomp or bulk.
@robenia I started in 5/24/20

Here's my first post after my 6 month update -
I didn't track macros at all. I just ate clean as possible (80/20 more or less). Still had pizza, beer, and snacks within moderation.

As you can see I didn't try to rush the process. I believed in the RR and I was done getting injured at the gym by taking the weight lifting/body building route. I knew my joints and bone strength were going to take time to grow so I just tried to keep at it, 3x's a week, every week. Took a few weeks off here or there but sustainability was my goal.
@randymeyer-one Sorry I meant to say I didn't track calories. I wasn't trying to bulk or recomp. I was just trying to live a good sustainable, healthy life.
@rkenoke That’s amazing man. Can’t believe you managed to look like this without tracking anything, major congrats dude! I’ll probably slowly bulk, but will keep my diet clean, and I guess I’ll see where that takes me in 3-6 months. Your posts have been very inspiring!