@rkenoke Great job my guy
How often do you work out/week? 3x?
I can’t tell if you meant eat veggie diet 3x/week.
Anyway I assume you attribute most of your gains to clean eating since you basically got much leaner and while trying to preserve as much muscle as possible.
This is my ideal look but takes discipline diet wise especially if you drink alcohol so kudos to you. At my age I work out hard just to look average lol
@lostkid25 Hey @lostkid25, Honestly I try to eat clean but it's 80/20 clean:junk food. I really think consistency is what it comes down to. Working out 3x's a week and eating mostly whole clean food. I'll have a couple beers each week and I'll binge drink here or there (once every 2 months).
When I started I paid no attention to my diet. I was eating my feelings, I was sad and lived a stagnant life. I try to find ways to move my body every other day or so and I try to stuff as many vegetables as I can into fun meals (burgers, pastas, tacos, curries, chilis, nachos, etc)
@rkenoke You look great man and thanks for the clarification. Keep it up and hope your physical gains have translated into gains in other areas of your life
@rkenoke Bro! Mad respect. I’m almost at the first pic right now. Began cardio 2 years ago and began the gym this year but since I wasn’t used to it was on and off. Happy to say I began today my journey again! I’ve been alright with the eating plan but reading this might go healthier. Thanks for that pump!
I had been on and off the gym and health grind for years. I'd go crazy over macros, TDEE, protein/lb, keto, paleo, low carb, bone broth, intermittent fasting. What I've learned is consistency is key and good is often good enough. No need to be perfect. Just trust the process and make it sustainable! LFGGGGGG
Once I could do more than 8 reps I moved onto the next progression. If I couldn’t do 4 reps clean of the next progression I regressed to the earlier exercise and played with tempo. Usually 4-10 sec negatives followed by an explosive concentric.
Then I would do 4-10 sec eccentric and concentric movements until I could move onto the next progression and complete at least do 4 reps for 3 sets.
@rkenoke I've been doing pull-ups, push-ups, split squats, hollow body hold, and plank variations since January. Nothing directly for my back. I took pictures at the end of May and I don't really look different than I did in January/February. I've added reps, so I guess to change the appearance I have to modify my diet.
@drake24 That’s unfortunate but I wouldn’t give up. Follow the RR for major gains. It’s all about progressions that will build muscle using time under tension. The back muscle group is important for body recomposition if that’s what you’re going for. Feel free to DM for more q’s
Also I’d say Sometimes it helps to focus on how you feel vs how you look in the early days.
@rkenoke Nah, I'm not giving up but it is disappointing, however it should be fixable.
I did do the RR from about January - August last year but hurt my shoulder. This year I've been doing the minimalist routine
Fair point about how you feel vs how you look. Aesthetics is certainly part of the motivation, but regardless I always feel good after doing a workout.