Update: 24 mos of bwf- - M/36/5’10


New member
24 mos progress update

Wow, 24 months have flown by and I wanted to update the community that’s given me so much, so here it is. From left to right the first pic is from 5/24/20, right bottom photo is from 12/2020 and the middle is from Dec 2021 and the far right is from 05/22. BWF and the RR has changed my life.

Three days a week, 80/20 clean vegetarian eating. Biggest change was definitely adding an ab circuit. Never was one to really train abs but it definitely made a big difference since I started the circuit these last 3 months. Hopefully this inspires some of you folks that are thinking about making a change to start today. PM’s are open :)

Here’s my current routine (based off the RR):
- explosive pull-up (25lb weighted)
- 25lb weighted shrimp squat
- RTO dips
- Nordic curl (negative with push-up asst)
- straddle ring row
- wall assist hand stand push-up
- athleanX 10min abs

Rings, 25lb vest, pu-bar, push up bars, yoga mat

protein shake 3x's a week
protein oats 3x's a week
creatine 3-5x's a week
multivitamin 4x's a week
@rkenoke My man! Good stuff.

Just a suggestion since I wish someone had told me a year ago: if you want to move away from the wall for those HS pushups, add lateral delt raises and trap work to your routine. I can't explain why but that was the key for me to improve my HS stack. I'd guess it improved ROM... Who knows.
@lissie I’m getting there! Definitely not opposed to weights but I work out at a local park about a mile from my place and I don’t like lugging anything besides bands when I workout.

I just bought some push up bars to increase my range of motion. Maybe that will help?
@rkenoke I do my lateral work with bands and a hyperfocus on full ROM with straight arms. Shoulder to ear and hand directly above the head.

Oh boy. I still haven't gotten a full hs pushup with head below hands. Still working on the negatives there. Best of luck!
@lissie Makes total sense. I know Daniel from fitnessFAQ's has said that rear delts are difficult to train with just body weight exercises. He incorporates lateral raises too.
@rkenoke Your ‘before’ pic from 24 months ago looks like me right now. I’m just starting again after a decade of sedentary life. I’m inspired by you, nice job!
@mephistophelesbent I'm about two months behind him :p but what helped me was saying "I can start this routine whenever, but I need to do it before I get in the shower at night". So like, ideally I started it at 8 PM, so I could be done by 9:30, shower and in bed at 10. But even if I procrastinated, I could still do it. I think the latest I started was 11 PM. But, I'm a college student and was willing to sacrifice sleep - ymmv.

Also, as cheesy as it sounds, but find like quotes/motivational speakers that get you doing things. When I hated working out, I was listening to a lot of David Goggins to push through it. Now that it's way more of a lifestyle for me, I don't really listen to him anymore, but I can't deny that was part of the mentality.

Good luck! You got this!
I'm about two months behind him :p but what helped me was saying "I can start this routine whenever, but I need to do it before I get in the shower at night". So like, ideally I started it at 8 PM, so I could be done by 9:30, shower and in bed at 10. But even if I procrastinated, I could still do it. I think the latest I started was 11 PM. But, I'm a college student and was willing to sacrifice sleep - ymmv.

Also, as cheesy as it sounds, but find like quotes/motivational speakers that get you doing things. When I hated working out, I was listening to a lot of David Goggins to push through it. Now that it's way more of a lifestyle for me, I don't really listen to him anymore, but I can't deny that was part of the mentality.

I agree. I'd also say my mantra has been good is good enough. Put in the work and don't stress too much. You'll get there.
@mephistophelesbent I'd also say, reminder yourself why you're getting started. Is it simply to change your body or is there something more. Attach it to your life, some part of your value system.

Are you doing it for yourself, your future self, your loved ones, is there an activity you want to do? Remind yourself why you got started in the first place. You got this. PM's are open.
@mephistophelesbent Not OP but for me, exercise helps immensely with my confidence and maintaining my mental health. Even if I do nothing else productive in a given day, exercising makes me feel accomplished. I think the important part is to just carve out a specific time you can dedicate to starting the RR and just plugging it into your calendar, so that you maintain consistency.

Other than that, the only tip I can give you is that when you really don't want to work out, just mount your pull-up bar and rings and do the warmups. Then do one set of pull-up progression. Often times this will get me the momentum I need to finish the set, but if you still aren't into it, then at least you did something.
@firmamentalist This is it right here. I will also add some days my only goal is to show up to a workout. Even if I end early or only put in 2 sets instead of 3. I’m proud of showing up for myself even when it’s not the best work out.
@rkenoke Well done!

You have shared your current routine. What was your routine when you started 2 years ago? It will give a more clear picture of how your abilities have changed since then.