Update: felt like shit, went to doctor. Not dying

@sabby54 All of my vitamins are gummies now. I had reflux surgery and couldn’t swallow pills for a while. I started using liquid before graduating to gummies and never went back to pills.
@christiancourtship36 I asked my doctor about getting tested for it. She told me my insurance only covers it if I'm shown to be deficient. Otherwise it's hundreds of dollars. I wasn't showing any of the hallmarks, so I declined.
@grace_mercy Parathyroid is glandular tissue that helps makes use of vit d and calcium in a few ways. Test for parathyroid hormone is not part of regular labs but you can have low D, normal calcium, and high PTH which is labeled secondary hyperparathyroidism (closer to being a subacute hyperparathyroidism). Treatment for secondary is usually vit D supplement so you're already getting it. If PTH and calcium were to be high despite normal vit D after supplementation then they would be looking at getting further investigation of parathyroid tissue to make sure no abnormal tissue.
@grace_mercy It seems like you go outside at least some, golf and tennis. Are you a big sunscreen user? Unless there is a problem with the conversion process in your body, we get all the vitamin we need if we just go outside and get some sun. I'm curious, are they doing anything to figure out why you're deficient or are you just getting medicated?
@mojo487 I use sunscreen if I know I’m going to be in the sun for a while, but not excessively and do get some direct sun. Right now we’re just medicating and then I guess if it doesn’t work or levels don’t stabilize we’ll look into it more.