We created an app for the Recommended Routine and we want to share it with the community


New member
Hi guys,


My friend and I have made a Recommended Routine app. It helps us to stay focused during the workout and track our progress. We are sharing it with everyone for free.



Long Story

A couple of years ago I saw a couple of calisthenics videos and fell in love with the Human Flag. I had no idea how to even approach this beast but since I was a programmer I knew how to solve my problems by googling and following advice from strangers on the internet word by word. This is how I found this subreddit and RR. A friend agreed to join me and we started working out together.

Previously I've tried to sustain gym several times but with, lets say, less than commendable results. With RR everything clicked right away - the focus on technique and the ability to progress to new levels kept our motivation high for sufficient amount of time as to become a part of life. The only thing that was missing for us was the ability to track our progress through the workout and through the workouts. We tried several ways, none worked. So we decided to use our programming skills to help ourselves. And since we were good programmers we quickly created an ugly malfuncioning piece of software that still worked and made a huge difference for us.

In the meantime I approached my Human Flag, boasted about it here and began moving to Freestanding HeSPU.

Since the app was so useful to us and so fun to make, we decided give back to the community by quickly polishing it and share it with you guys. And since we are great engineers, polishing the app took at least four times as long as releasing the working version of it. We believe now its good enough to not cause to much frustration to the users. Please try it. We really want it to become an app that Recommended Routine deserves. We can only do it with your feedback.

P.S. I did eventually made it to HeSPU!

P.P.S. Also a comment from my friend / partner in crime
@arniep I have literally just told friends of mine and my colleague, that I have started the rr - this time with this overview, which is just so so helpful. my colleague asked me "do they have an app?" and then this post happend roughly 1,5h later lol

edit: why not 3x8 tho? ;)
@arniep Hi there! This is the friend, mentioned by @arniep :)

Glad we finally published the app and made our coming out in bwf subreddit. Want to share some of my thoughts and insights on the app here as well

We started it as a way for ourselves to improve the flow of time tracking between the sets or for static exercises and keep the workout progress. We made our first eyesore version of an app to test it. And we felt that the app changed the way our workout experienced in so much better way. It also was especially helpful when we had to onboard our friends to the RR, who wanted to join the bodyweight fitness with us. After seeing the results we wanted to make a pretty version and share it here. So here we are :)

We made an app in the way we saw the perfect fitness app for us - people who are working out with Recommended Routine. It had to be as simple as possible and importantly without any obligation to go through the registration process, inputting age/weight info, etc., without any personal data collection, with the possibility to use without the internet.

We still have so much more we wanted to bring but we had to launch some basic version first, to know if we are moving in the right direction and to collect your feedback on it.

Here are some of our thoughts for the next features to implement:
  • History of all the workouts and some basic analytics
  • Warmup at the start of a workout
  • The easier way to set up the routine for the first time
  • Some go-through RR tutorial for total beginners

    We also did not nail all the bodyweight skills yet, so you might see that some of the skill pictures are missing. So any suggestion to replace the placeholders would be much appreciated along with any feedback on missing features or thoughts for improvements.

    Also dropping an email here for feedback ad suggestions: 8x3.app@gmail.com
@arniep Including the warm-up in there would be nice.

Might also be nice to be able to track your workouts through the app.

Just some thoughts. This is great!
@padre_eddie I'm really starting to hate this specific comic. It's shoehorned into every thread where someone posts a thing they made, no matter how unrelated or dismissive it is.

"Oh, you made a helpful app for the community and it's free? Sounds like a competing standard to me!"

Sorry about the rant, but it's been building up for a while.
@josh623 I agree that this situation is in fact very different from competing standards. In this case community actually benefits from competition since it will drive app creators to do better. It also costs nothing for the user to try the apps and chose what suits best.
@arniep Yeah, multiple options are almost always better for the end user. I feel like that comic is misapplied quite a bit. Competing standards only really becomes a problem in certain engineering contexts

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