Weekly Question Thread - Week of 10/1/2018

@lyn112 Try PHAT, I think it's a good next step from nSuns for hypertrophy, and it has a lot of variation and volume.

Btw the only way to get the "best" routine is to get it tailored to you, so either learn about sport science, make your own routine and eventually modify it to get there by trial and error, or hire a good coach who will give you a personalized program that will also eventually get there by trial and error.
@micah111 Amino's are just one of those products where you're not really sure they even help, but there really is no downside to taking them. I usually just go by taste. I enjoy PEScience and NutraCharge (has caffeine).
@paparazi257 Is there a basic mobility routine you guys would recommend? I am just getting back to lifting again after a few years (doing PPL), and I feel like I am neglecting that aspect of training.
@paparazi257 Just had a thought sitting on the couch... as a beginner running full body dumbbell 3 times weekly. Can the shoulders handle all 3 delts 3x weekly? I'm not far from it currently anyhow.

Edit: or the more intelligent question would be... can the front side and rear delts handle 5 sets of 10, three times weekly? Maybe rest day rear delt, on day ohp variant and lateral raises?
@hopetoday They can, the problem is overlap. You probably also train your chest and back (if not, well...), and the thing is every pulling exercise uses the rear delt and every pushing exercise uses the front delt. So at the end of the day you end up giving them more fatigue than what you account for with direct work.

The side delts on the other hand don't receive almost any meaningful indirect work from other exercises, so you can train them that often just fine.
@dawn16 Working up to that yes. Perhaps sacrifice front delt work first and prioritize side and rear until either fatigue hits or that number is reached.
@samanthamturner Yes, but if I were asking the same thing about legs then the resounding answer would be no right? Is this even in the ballpark of a worth while idea is my question I suppose.
@paparazi257 Anyone go through a spell where you're missing days here n there and feel guilty?
Started a new job and life's got busier/more tiring, hate missing days though.
@dawn16 If you're not currently doing so, think about moving to an upper-lower split, or (if your available time per session and volume requirements allows it) a full body workout. With those, missing a training day is less of a problem, and you can recover sessions much easier.