what’s everyone’s go-to (lame) joke at the gym?

@elsiejo When my coach finishes explaining the wod I always ask for the ProTip.
And it's always something like:

"When running put one feet foward then the other and then the other one"

"You gotta just keep moving."

Or proceeds to do the movement exactly as he demonstrated previously "Just do it this way and you're golden!"

Then I finish with "Thanks coach, today will be a pr day"

We always have a laugh, at least me and him, the others just hate me.
@elsiejo I’ve done crossfit for about 18 years and sometimes I make up terminology or ask questions that sound like a newbie. “Squat thrust jerks… that’s this one, right:” and demo a push press.
@elsiejo “Hi, how are you doing”
“Until now, still fine”
Conversation before the workout. But then in French, as a movie reference. I’m not sure anyone knows the reference, but it’s my go-to response 😄
@elsiejo When we get asked to move closer so the coach doesnt haven't to shout and immediately invade the coaches' personal space

That and "that weight looks heavy for you" when the coach is lifting light (1/2kg) dumbells when demo-ing movements for the class that day

Oh and asking the coaches to demo how to do a long run (usually the big guys who are more into weightlifting)
@elsiejo When it is a 4 round wod that is pretty intense my coach always asks what are we going to do on round one expecting people to reply "pace ourselves" and I yell out "SEND IT!" and then flame out round three.

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