What’s your ‘genius’ high protein snack/meal?

@shaunj72 Can make it even higher protein and fiber with lower cals if you swap for sams choice keto bread! (I usually eat Dave’s killer bread but when I’m in a deficit keto is a lifesaver haha)
@jeffriess None in particular! I usually just get one at Popeyes which is my supplement store. But I agree, sometimes the artificial sweetener taste is gross
@nilsa Chickpea cookie dough.

1.5 cups chickpeas, 1/3 cup almond butter, 1/4 cup almond flour, vanilla extract if desired, 2 tbsp maple syrup, 1/2 tsp salt. Blend together. Add dark chocolate chips if desired. Stores for 4 days or so :)
@nilsa Can of tuna, about 2/3 cup of cottage cheese, chopped up red onion, celery, pickles, salt, pepper and enjoy it with simple mills crackers.
@wo7 Thank you! I love tuna and cottage cheese and everyone else gives me the side eye even for suggesting. Love it with tomato and a little Italian salad dressing.
@nilsa overnight oats w a premier protein shake (30g of protein) either scoop of protein powder (24-30g of protein) or the 20g of protein oikos. the flavors and possibilities are endless. bonus points if i add a little fairlife to the mixture as well. if the theme of my overnight oats is chocolatey, i also add PB2 powder to it.
@nilsa Fairlife’s Corepower Elite shakes have been my breakfast. 42g and less than 250 cals.

It’s not really “genius” I know, but very effective in helping me reach my daily protein goal and not many people (in my circle atleast) seem to be aware it exists