What’s your preferred warm up routine?

@austinsugden I walk my dog foremost. It’s a crucial step that I quite literally cannot skip. I then do hangs, and then kettlebell swings. I then do a single low weight high rep (15-20) set of the exercise I’m doing before going into 5-10 rep sets.
@austinsugden I use this routine before every workout - Keep in mind this is tailored to calisthenics programs:

Band pull apart - 30- 50 reps
Band dislocates - 10 reps
Wall slides - 10 reps
Cat cow - 10 reps
Wrist warmup
Front and side leg swings
Gymnastic rings turned out support hold for 1 min

It takes me about 7-8 mins to complete and I'm all set to go

The goal is to warmup the shoulder / scapula, elbow and wrist above all
@austinsugden I'm inconsistent with warm ups but ideally it's the agile 8 plus some band pull a parts and then I'll work a few light sets in on whatever my main lift of the day is.
@austinsugden I train 4x/week, two days start with bench press and rest with squat, best warm up is benching/squating 50% of the weight of the first real set then 75% then 90% then doing the real set. Moreover, before benching i usually warm my shoulders, hope it helps you.