What are your non scale goals for July/august?

@uticus I’ve been slacking on working out for the past few months, but I just finished an egg freezing cycle and I’m still not allowed to exercise (there’s a few weeks before and after the retrieval where you shouldn’t do more than walking). I want to swim and cycle and hike and LIFT, dear god I miss lifting! I’m plotting my return to hot yoga and damn I even miss running, which is normally my nemesis. I just want to be active! I promise not to take it for granted anymore!
@uticus No specific goals, I just want to continue following my program (GZCLP) and keep progressing. It would be nice to achieve an 80 kg squat, a 100 kg deadlift, and a 57.5 kg bench press. Also, I want to improve my pull-ups and work towards muscle-ups (I am not even close, but I want to start moving in that direction). One more goal is to listen to my body and ensure it gets sufficient rest. I don't have much work in the summer, so I tend to work out too much and as a result, my body doesn't recover properly.
@uticus I have theee big ones
  • prioritize mobility work. I have been dealing with a pesky hip issue that is mobility related.
  • build movement into my morning routine - 15-20 minutes of yoga
  • bike to errands more - I used to do this all the time. The pandemic messed me up - nowhere to go so no bike to errand. Aiming for 2x a week for now. I have been doing the cop out and going to further places that are just out of my biking range
@uticus Since I'm on vacation in the first week of august, my goal is to

1) be super active on vacation, the hotel has a gym, which I'd like to use to keep up with my program

2) hike and bike on vacation (should be easy since it's a very hilly area)

Other than that I'd like to

3) sort out my hamstring pain with a phyiotherapist

4) do some kickboxing classes

5) work on ankle strength and my pointe
@uticus A few varied goals between lifting, pole and wanting to get into hiking!

I'd like to get my bench press up to 40kg for my 8-10 reps so I can change the plates!!! I love me having new color plates on each side, I'm so easily motivated 😂 at 37.5kg now and I really feel I'm only a few weeks out now that I've nailed the form!

I want to improve my squat depth and form to make it like second nature the way deadlifting or benching is for me now!

Pole dance wise, I'd love love love to be able to lift into shoulder mount without momentum. Really feel like I'm on the cusp of it now and just more frequent practice will do the trick.

I'd like to get into hiking, I did an obstacle course recently and thought "without all the obstacles this would be just lovely really" and made me want to start 😊
@phoenix77 I am sure you’ve heard this before, but what really helped me get a good shouldermount was visualizing trying to pull the pole out of the ground over my shoulder.
@uticus I actually dont have a lot of fitness goals on purpose (in terms of strenght) these next two months because I will be spending a large part of them on vacation haha, but have some things I'd like to accomplish:
  1. Doing a sport once a week that I've never done/ havent done in a while. All I do is lift heavy weights in the gym, so I need some playful variation. Things booked and planned: beach volleybal, pilates reformer class (for beginners! eep), paddle boarding, spinning, core circuit class
  2. Get my steps back to 10k a day. I know the number is arbitrary but have noticed so many advantages to (low impact) cardio. I still average around 8k but I've been busy with desk work and I feel it in my body
  3. Keep protein intake high even on vacation
@walterjabe You and I have the same goals! 😊
Just curious: is there a reason you listed solo sports only? Would you be open to partner sports like dance, tennis, or group sports like soccer, etc?
@walterjabe Oh oops was skimming too quickly!

I’ve been trying to get some inspo on sports that could also be more social haha!

My goal has a slight twist: I have to try one NEW sport every year. I have had this goal for years so at this point I have tried A LOT of sports, so I am getting into reaaaaallly niche stuff now: curling, skinning (uphill skiing), dragon boat, rally racing (although this isn’t very physically demanding at all lmao) are on the “to do” list right now. I might need to add pole!

I actually really love soccer but I really suck at it, so it has been hard finding a group of people who suck at it and wanna play hahaha

Good luck!!!
@uticus I got a stand-up paddleboard a month ago and I've been loving exploring different areas with it. I would love to visit 12 unique bodies of water this summer. So far I'm at 4 and I live near a bunch of different lakes, ponds and reservoirs so I think it's doable.
@uticus I LOVE THIS IDEA!!!

1) Learn how to do a pull up and manage as many as I can

2) Keep up my mileage, minimum 5 a day.

3) Work on squats on the Smith, they kill my knees so I stopped doing them, but my leg press is 300+ not including the sled, so I am hoping I am strong enough now to try again.
@uticus I am biting the bullet and will be signing up for my first ever gym today!

So my goal is just go to the gym, figure out what machines are what and proper form for them

Not concerned about weights yet lol
  1. To be able to do a real push-up by 2024 (hopefully even several)!!
  2. To follow through on the year-long kickboxing/boxing/Muay Thai gym contract that I signed. 3 classes a week for 12 months! It’s been a huge leap out of my comfort zone going to these classes (did a 3 month contract before I committed to the 12 month), but it’s been super positive for both my physical and mental health. I don’t want to flake out of it, and I’m hopeful that I can keep up my current momentum. The thought of how strong I could be in a year from now is really exciting! :)
@uticus Specifically for July? I’m a counselor at a summer camp for the next 11 days. We are in the mountains/hills. I think my biggest goal is Do Not Die.

While I’m here, I’d like to go to their gym and work out. I need to conquer my gym anxiety.

I’m also building back into working out, so I would like to not be sore all the time, and the only way to do that is keep going.

After that, I’m trying to get a faster mile time. Ideally, under 10 minutes. I am not a runner, and that is okay with me.

Get better at OHP because I am a weakling when it comes to shoulders.

Sleep as much as humanly possible.

Start a mobility practice.
@uticus Keep up with my routine of 6 workouts per week (4 at the gym, 2 at home)

Keep working towards my goal of deadlifting my body weight

Keep working towards my goal of doing an unassisted pull-up (which will then turn into a set of 3, then a set of 5, then a set of 10).

Those last two are going to be met by the end of the year. I’m making great progress!
@uticus -Run a 5k at the end of this month in less time than the one I ran at the beginning of last month.
-Continue my rather long workout streak (one day strength workout, next day active recovery stretches, repeat)
-Work back up to the same amount of reps and sets with my dumbbells as I was doing before I added 5 pounds each to them recently.