What do y’all think of speakeasy gyms?

@rosina Yea and how does the data say gyms are causing this? I mean we had weeks of protesting and then all the number jump....I’m not saying it doesn’t happen at gyms but I’d say a lot more is from grocery stores and things of that nature
@rosina Honestly doing anything right now has its “risk” you can’t just shut the entire country down. They tried it and it didn’t work. So I say if you are worried about it stay out of the gym. If you aren’t that concerned just be safe wash your hands and live your life.
@zuzurh When did we try shutting the entire country down?

And when you say "it didn't work", do you mean "we weren't able to shut the entire country down", or "shutting the entire country down didn't slow down the spread of COVID"? Or something else?
@siege777 Well back when we did 15 days to slow the spread, that turned into 6 weeks. I mean I get they wanted to “flatten the curve” but as soon as you open back up what did they think would happen?? Again Covid isn’t going anywhere so unless we are going to stay shut down until you have a vaccine that everyone is willing to take you might as well just be careful and do what you can to be safe.
@stthomaschristian The one thing that will definitely not improve your times is lung damage.

Worth the risk to get your "wod" on?

Up to you. But every person who said "it's no big deal" and got sick has said they should have taken it seriously.
@stthomaschristian If you're skirting health regulations then 1. 100% hope you get shut down and fined into oblivion and 2. you're a piece of shit for risking the health and safety of your members.
@william1970 No it wouldn’t. If you don’t feel comfortable don’t go. I don’t see how this is such an issue for people. If you want to stay in your home that’s your choice. Others who understand that this virus isn’t going anywhere are going to get out and be as safe as possible while still living a life.
@stthomaschristian This happened with a box Ive coached in. I coached a few classes outdoors at the end of June: 1st was just body weight in the parking lot, but the 2nd one used equipment. Which meant folks were in and out and all over. It meant that normal coaching duties applied and I was REALLY no longer in control of what I was exposed to.

In the owner’s statements, she plainly stated we weren’t supposed to do this but she wanted to anyway unless we weren’t comfortable. I wasn’t comfortable.

Now - the box is tiny; like 12-15 in class w/ BB is borderline dangerous and we never have enough plates tiny. Anyway - I have had health issues for a number of years, autoimmune garbage, but the owner didn’t consider health when reopening. Anyone’s health. Just that the bills need to be paid. The owner kept a trip from NJ to CA, you know...because it was already scheduled!! /s 🙄 That was it for me. Emails and messages stated “if you are comfortable”, but seriously!?

It’s been about a week or so since her return, and she has had to coach her own classes as I am not....so I’m sure they’ll see one way or another. Self quarantine? Nope....

I’m a vet. I’ve honored my country and fellow citizens for your right to be an ass. But I didn’t fight for your right to remain complicit, avoid uncomfortable facts and willfully ignore this crisis. Or maybe I did? That’s freedom I guess. But I also have the right to call you out. I’d like this to be a quiet departure, but stupid should be called out and pointed at.

It’s unfortunate - but long story short I’m never going back. Not just the owner, but the attitude they have as a GROUP is toxic. Disagree and they pile on screaming freedom from masks and vaccines. 😶

My point to these people: I get you don’t like this...but fuck you for choosing to shoot with your eyes closed.

No one cares about each other if they are working out together in/as a commercial gym.
@contodomicorazon I feel this. I’m sorry you had to go through this, but just know that you have my full sympathy. I respect and commend you for the choices you’ve made. Thank you also for serving our country 🇺🇸
@stthomaschristian I'm in Arizona. Yeah, you know that state that fucked up and re-opened everything too early and then we surpassed the East Coast in COVID cases? Yeah, that one. I'm not in Phoenix, but Tucson, so it's only slightly less bad.

To paint a picture of my situation, I left a traditional CF box over a year ago. Instead, I work out at a small, locally-owned, weightlifting gym (for lack of a better descriptor). It's owned by one guy. He coaches his own boot camps, but for the most part, it's not a CF box. No affiliation and the membership I pay ($40) is as if I was paying for an LA Fitness type membership. I pay to use the space and the equipment. He has all the fixings of a CF box, so I can my own thing. I go there because the majority of the members are average people. There were no lifting bros.

When AZ first closed in April, I miraculously managed to order a box, 2 25# DBs, and a med ball. I thought, if anything, that can get me through gyms being closed. I don't have space at home to build a home gym (I live in an apartment), but I have a patio. I could make do with those things, my rope, and bodyweight stuff. And I did. But goddammit, if I didn't miss the barbell.

The owner of my little gym, however, decided not to close. After not being there for 2 weeks (I'm a consistent Monday-Friday person), he texted me. I'll admit that I made the decision to pop back in because I knew all the other members and if many of them weren't there, then with proper sanitation and distancing, I'd love to do some barbell work. What he failed to tell me was that he took advantage of the situation and offered memberships to people who had been essentially "locked out" of their gyms, i.e., LA Fitness, Chuze Fitness, Planet Fitness, YMCA. All the Bros who couldn't miss a day of shitty benching and bicep curls in the mirror. When I arrived, there was no space for me. I couldn't believe it. How dare he be so cavalier with the health and safety of his members. Things, of course, changed when AZ re-opened and all the Bros left. June was fabulous and, at times, I had the place to myself. AZ closed again for July and, once again, all the Bros came back.

So, while I would love to come back to my gym, I simply will not. I'm not immunocompromised. I'm not in a high-risk group. I just happen to care about my health and safety and the health and safety of others. Fortunately, I have something at home to get me by, although it is much, much harder to work out in July versus April in AZ.
@stthomaschristian I go to a oly/powerlifting gym. We did sorta the same thing. Had a google doc signup spreadsheet, 2hr time slots, only 4 people per time slots. Moved up to 1hr time slots, can be in the gym two hrs(2 potentially 8 people in the gym at once, which still never happens). It has worked well. As long as there are plenty of cleaning supplies and you don’t cough into each other’s mouths.
@stthomaschristian I think it’s lame and completely self serving. But then again that’s how many CrossFitters operate these days. Wanna be competitors trying to make sure they don’t lose whatever competitive edge they think they posses. If anything this pandemic has taught me is that you can still maintain a solid level of fitness at home. These people are just selfish.
@dawn16 Except they do work in most countries.

It's almost like having leaders purposely undermining proper health advice doesn't help... or Americans are just more selfish (and lots of other negative adjectives) than most people, take your pick of who to blame I guess...
@lyndalu112 Blame the innate human desire to interact with other humans if you want to. You can’t legislate that out of existence.

Or blame the independent spirit of the pioneers and the bravery of the people who traveled west on the Oregon trail despite all the hardships and a 10% death rate. Should we have canceled the westward expansion?

Let’s not call people selfish for coming together and supporting each other during a tough time. That’s what people do.