What do you guys do for drinks

@rnstaplesattnet Arizonan here, it got up to what... 112 yesterday? I was melting. Summer's back! yay? My go to for drinks are Ultima (zero sugar), sugar free Liquid I.V. (you can get from costco for cheaper), and LMNT. I will add that the LMNT needs to be mixed with a lot of water or you get a salt bomb, the spicy flavors are very spicy.
@rnstaplesattnet I make my own electrolyte limeonade most days, especially when I’m outside exercising or doing yard work.

I do half a gallon of water, 1.5 scoops of Xtend lemon-lime zero sugar OG BCAA powder, half a squeezed lemon and a whole squeezed lime. I’ll also sometimes add a dropper or two of Trace Minerals Mega-Mag. Tastes like high quality Gatorade imo and its only sugars are from the citrus but if you’re sweating and working hard it’s honestly a life saver.
Another idea, something my partner has been doing is squeezing watermelon, lemon and muddling mint into a glass of ice water. It’s bomb. I have them save the watermelon pieces that are left over and throw it in a bowl of yogurt post workout, which is also good as hell.
  • I've become a selzer addict. Go to the fancy grocery store and make it your mission to try every kind of seltzer/ fizzy drink that they have. I like spindrift and Nixie the best.
  • Get a sodastream and add fresh fruit to your bubble water, or make different syrups, shubs, and bitters in interesting flavors.
  • Google mocktail recipes and make yourself special fancy treats after a hard day or on a special occasion.
  • google agua fresca recipes
  • You can ask for sugar free syrups at coffee shops to make your coffee's feel more fancy and special.
  • I try to rotate in water, almost all favored water is bad for your teeth in one way or another. Drinking only selzer can irritate your bladder and isn't the best for hydration.
  • if I'm doing sports or to rehydrate first thing before my coffee I do Trace Minerals ConcenTrace Drops and lemon juice in a big cup of water. It's essentially got the "nutritional content" of a sports drink, but without the calories.
  • embrace diet sodas for when you need it.
Essentially my goal is to flavor my water enough that it's palatable without adding sugar. If i'm going to have a sugary drink, then it's going to require effort on my part. I have a similar rule about sweets - I can have them around the house if I take the time to bake them from scratch. If I don't want to spend the time to make them, then I don't want them enough.
@rnstaplesattnet A soda stream to make my own bubbly water- with less bubbles than la croix- cut with a juice like cran-raspberry/ strawberry lemonade/ something tart and cold- absolute favorite drinks! Then I still get my sweet juices but they’re cut with the sparkling water for much less calories.

For candy I still just eat the candy I want, if I try to cut it out I end up binging because I need that sugar/ seratonin rush! But when I’m being responsible I buy the candy and immediately portion it out- that keeps me from overdoing it
@rnstaplesattnet I'm a freak that doesn't like strong flavor drinks anyway, so if water isn't doing the trick I will water down juice or a drink. 711 also has knockoff Body Armor drinks that are tasty. But mostly, I drink water.
tasty drinks

I don't buy sugary drinks?

I pregame water when I wake up. Water at the gym. Water before each meal. Sip of water before bed, no more.

Might sip milk after a meal as a palate cleanser, but I've broken myself from milk binges. (I love milk.)

I had to doublecheck that this wasn't stopdrinkingfitness; either way sugar is nothing compared to the pull of vodka.