What was your “DAMN I’M GETTING STRONG” moment?

@justin_holmes The first time I cleaned my bodyweight. From the catch to standing up I let out the most ridiculous “yeaaaaahhhh” completely involuntarily, it just came out and like 5 people stopped what they were doing to stare at me, haha. Did not care, for whatever reason that was the moment I felt like a strong and powerful badass 😂
@justin_holmes A 200lb deadlift had felt like a distant goal for me for so long and I told myself I would probably get it by the end of this year. One day my boyfriend was deadlifting 205 and I was like, “hey, let me try that out real quick”, and I just stepped up and lifted it? Without warming up or anything? This was like a couple months into the year. I’m still shocked and I realized at that point I wasn’t as pathetically weak as I had perceived myself to be.
@justin_holmes You know those E-Z-Up tents? Seen at sports events and farmer's markets. Last job, one of those needed to be moved from the supply room to a truck. Went over and bear hugged it up and outside to the shock of a bunch of Operations dudes. it was 75+ pounds and I'm 5'2".
@justin_holmes I can squat my wriggling 65 lb and growing puppy off the ground and into the car. Not that much weight in the grand scheme of things, but they're sometimes literally ass to grass squats and did I mention the wigging?
@justin_holmes Feeling tired and under-rested yesterday and deciding to do an 8-10 rep range instead of a 3-5 for my benches, and realizing that I was STILL benching over 100 for that when I remember a time when benching 100lb at all was a distant dream!
@justin_holmes I did a Turkish getup with a 32kg kettlebell, and I vividly remember starting at the gym and not being able to physically budge a 32kg kettlebell that was on the ground. Measurable progress like that is so cool.

(Granted this was a couple of years ago and I’m pretty sure I’m back to not being able to budge the kettlebell lol. But my goals and interests have changed, and now I’m more excited about the measurable progress of running, what used to be impossible for my lungs and now is not 👍)
@justin_holmes Someone at the gym came up to me and said "I just wanna say, you're here every day that I am and you come before me and leave after me. You're doing great". I always second guess myself especially since I can't lift heavy weight and am still pretty new, so hearing that was a huge confidence boost!
@justin_holmes I have been working heavy for a solid year and I have constantly gotten the side eye from guys at my gym asking me if I should go down in weight, telling me to scale back, etc… because I am a tiny woman. Well this week I picked up a pair of 60 lb dumbbells and benched them like a champ. I was so pumped a did a little dance in the gym and when I went to put them back on the rack a guy looked at me and just said wow. Super proud of myself right now and yeah I’m strong as hell for someone close to 5 ft
@justin_holmes I got up to a 115lb back squat this month. I’m 50lbs away from my body weight which feels incredible. And my barbell RDL is at 95lbs! I just started deadlifts about 3 months ago, I’d been terrified to hurt my back so I stayed away from them.

Just started bench presses with a barbell too. I’m at 65lb comfortably and taking it slow since I don’t have a gym buddy and I’m scared I’ll get stuck, but I’m proud of that weight too.
@justin_holmes Finally hitting a 135lb bench. Took me two years to get there. I can consistently hit that now, sometimes I can even rep it. Current PR is 142lbs. It's only happened once and I've not managed to get it again. But I can def do 140lb now. 135 was the magic "Holy shit, I'm strong!" moment.