What workout videos do you find yourself returning to?

@hb3 Stretching is something I always forget or brush off and I really like Yoga with Adriene on YouTube.

She does the entire sequence with you, talking you through it all the way. Her videos are high quality yet casual, and she has such a friendly happy vibe. Highly recommend.
@mxkris I really like her content as well. She literally has a yoga video for every type of mood I'm in! Her videos have been such a saving grace during the lockdown.
@hb3 Single video- Nicole Steen’s 10 minute booty shaping workout. It’s a popsugar workout that is a great, burny finisher
@dawn16 I used to workout often to Popsugar Fitness videos but then they went crazy with advertisements during the workout. The ads disrupt the workout and a 30 minute video turns into I having to hunt the remote to ‘skip ad’ every few minutes. I understand ads generate revenue but there’s go to be a better way, like Heather Robertson will sometimes have an ad mid-video during the rest and that’s not disruptive at all. I’ve given up on Popsugat but honestly miss how great it used to be.
@remnantsoftruth That sucks! I use Adblock on my computer and that does the trick for Pop Sugar videos. If I try to watch YouTube on my phone, the Adblock doesn’t work at all for some reason and it’s absolutely miserable. I hate ads in general but especially in the middle of workout videos.
@hb3 From Yoga With Adriene: Core Strength Ritual (22 minutes of killing abs),Day 12 Yoga for Spinal Health (short burst of alignment, balance, and focus), and Yoga Stretch (gentle flexibility).
@hb3 Love this thread!! Excited to find some new gems. Here are the youtube workouts I'm repeating:

-Sydney Cummings cardio boxing: SO much fun and it's a great workout

-Sydney Cummings Tabata plank challenge: again SO FUN, I love the the plank finisher

-Sydney Cummings low impact cardio: my fave for an apartment friendly cardio

-Move with Nicole full body pilates with weights: such a fun challenge!! not used to using weights like this but I love it

-YWA energizing morning sequence: I'm a sucker for morning themed yoga practices and this is my fave so far

-YWA moon practice: very calming and comforting, feels like a hug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypbT6ctKdZI&list=PLxsg9Ve2ah5FJNKS7Tql9mzSnfkrS0H3O&index=5
@lidzia Not laughing. I did these workouts with my aunt when I was a kid in the 90s and fell in love. The floor work in volume #1 gets me every time.
@lidzia I'm 41, so still younger than the actual demographic it was for but I used to lurk on Videofitness.com and people talked so much about the Firm on there that I had to check it out and bought Volume 1 on DVD in 2011. I loved it and ended up buying most of the Classics, the Crosstrainers, and several other classic Firm-era DVDs. That led me into discovering Tracie Long's Longevity series and last year I tried out her recent Studio Series which I really enjoyed.

With Youtube videos, I usually only do them once because new content from all the instructors I follow is updated constantly, but I've done a Firm rotation several times over the years since I've had them.

The other instructor whose workouts I've done several times is Cathe Friedrich. She was my absolute favorite for several years.
@doppelgank I still love Cathe. In fact, pre-ordered her newest set.

I'm still a VideoFitness member. Its not quite as active as it use to be, but I still enjoy it.

I also have Tracie Long, Leslie Sansone, and all sorts of instructors lol.

I'm thinking of digging out my "golden oldies" and doing them this summer and see if I get into half as good a shape as I was back in my 30s when I started doing them.