Where to buy cute.. i feel cringe saying this.. “pump covers?”

@jacquelinejean My kids are too little for TikTok (thank god), but even I as a 30-something refuse to have that app. It annoys me greatly and I want no part of it. I am very confused why adults use it because it just seems like such bullshit.
@mkchartrand Same. I also refuse to install it, I don’t understand the appeal. I have Instagram for crafty BS but I don’t watch reels they annoy me. Gimme still pictures and a link to a written tutorial with more photos please. Or a quality YouTube video without a ton of cuts or obvious bs.
@gorightgirl I’ve bought a few from Gymshark when they are having sales only. When it’s not on sale I don’t find it to be worth it.

Besides that, when I’m wearing a baggy tee to the gym I honestly will pull out a graphic t from my sleeping t shirt drawer. Anything that’s oversized will do the trick! I have this one Eminem tee I wear from like 10 years ago from h&m😂 gotta get creative
@gorightgirl Disclaimer: apparently all my workout shirts are “pump covers” because it’s mostly oversized ratty t-shirts I got from 5Ks or for free. But I go nowhere to work out so IDGAF, unisex, ring spun, and cotton is my jam. Even if it’s ancient.

But my go to funny/cute tshirt source is Etsy.

I though this one was funny:

Look what I found on Etsy:

And I liked this one:

But if you type in pump cover for women, a ton of options show up!
@jacquelinejean Yeah does everybody not have a whole drawer full of free t-shirts amassed over the years?

I'm surprised anyone ever has to ever buy oversized tshirts. I have so many I'm going to have to start getting rid of them.

If organizations ever made free t-shirts that actually fit me I'd be so happy