Where to go now?


New member
So I just finished a 4wk Geoff Neupert kettlebell thing.
My review is mixed.
I didn’t see any weight loss but am able to lift more.
I started with two 35# KBs and quickly moved to 44s. This was as far as I could go with matching doubles. From there I had to use a 44 in one hand and a 53 in the other and switch. Didn’t like that at all! Felt unbalanced in my hips and kinda messed with an old lower back thing.

The diet aspect was useless for me. It was very old school 90’s gym stuff. I’m a vegetarian and even went back to chicken in an attempt to do this. Twas a mistake as it fucked up my insides. I’m keeping the Sunday fast though. I kinda want to move it a weekday as it has been conflicting with family gatherings/meals but, it’s saved me from family desserts as well. Hah!

But I generally liked the routine. It was very basic. And just to test things out I did a Simple & Sinister based routine today and was able to do it with the 53 and I honestly could have done a bit heavier if I wanted to and had access to a heavier bell. Could probably just use a dumbell but I like the way kbs hang. The weight at the bottom.

I added on 30min of cardio and sometimes a lil boxing. Though the latter was hard cuz the workouts made my shoulders and arms feel a bit wore out by the time I got around to punching a bag.

Anyways, I’m looking for another routine! Def something that will build leg muscle even if the leg part is traditional gym stuff and everything else is KBs. I work out m-f. Have a pretty decent diet and have access to lost standard gym equipment.

Any programs I should look into? Or any know programs that can be augmented to have more leg stuff going on? I’d also like to get into plyometrics/calisthenics(don’t know the difference) as the movements seem like a good idea.

@daisy_lane I really found that EMOMs work well for me covering the movement patterns...Push, Pull, Hinge, Squat, Ballistic.

Keeps me accountable and covers full body every workout.
@taikamiya720 Today I just kinda made a thing up.
Swings 10 @ 80lbs
Bulgarian Split 10 @ 35 pair
Cossacks 10 @ 53
Sumo 10 @ 80
Jump rope for a minute.
Rest for a minute
Then repeat.
Did it 10 times and feel dead. No rhyme or reason. That’s just kinda what I felt like doing and didn’t want to spend all day figuring it out.

When doing EMOM do you stick to one exercise and do a predetermined number sets before moving to the next or do you run it kinda like I did above but with a more strict timing?
@daisy_lane I think design what works for you, if it's challenging and you're spent ..I thinks that's plenty!

Personally, I do circuits but with a focus each session on what I want to work on.

So for example if I want to work on Push and Hinge, I'd go hard for the focus exercises and then do set number of reps in a circuit for the others.

4 Rounds
Min 1 - Push Ups (To Failure)
Min 2 - Rest
Min 3 - Swing ( To Failure)
Min 4 - Rest

Rest for 3 minutes
4 Rounds
Min 1 - Row - Left (10 Reps)
Min 2 - Row - Right (10 Reps)
Min 3 - Bulgarian Split Squat - Left (12 Reps)
Min 4 - Bulgarian Split Squat - Right (12 Reps)
Min 5 - Burpee - Left (10 Reps)

What you're doing sounds good though, as long as you're pushing yourself that's all that matters.
@taikamiya720 This is exactly what I do. I do EOM with Clean and Jerk (LOng Cycle), snatches, and front squats. Neupert is a smart guy, but he holds back to sell you another program. Also, if you ever email him with a question, if he answers it, he usually gives you a condescending answer.
@daisy_lane I don't have any experience with that program. Sorry.

I would say that from what you wrote above I do not have a clear picture of what your goals are other than "more leg stuff". What is it you're trying to work on? Is fat loss a priority?
@uberweston Yeah, losing this last 20 has been a 3 year process of trying different eating and workout programs. I’m not like desperate to lose it for any particular reason other than to prove I am without resorting to fucking weight loss drugs.

I probably wasn’t eating enough, it turns out, and therefore storing everything. 🤦🏻

The program was pretty straightforward. A lot of swings, cleans, squats and presses.
The diet would probably work for your standard gym bro. But really wasn’t informative at all so it was hard to find the vegetarian way thru.
@daisy_lane Interesting. I think losing weight is usually easier in the kitchen than in the gym. Maybe try Intermittent Fasting or something?

I'm not really trying that hard to lose weight, but if I'm active I'll drop 10 easy. I find my hunger levels spike and I end up eating more. That's the issue for me anyways. I hover around 210 and can't seem to get under 200 unless I dedicated myself to it.
@uberweston Same! 195-210 is kinda where I’ve been stuck for the last few years.
I actually do a sort of fast. I generally keep my eating window 11-7. No solids on Sunday. Just coffee and maybe a juice.
@daisy_lane I also just finished burn extreme last week, I really enjoyed it, and lost about 13 pounds even though I wasn't 100% on the diet. Still have about 20 to go now. The accumulated fatigue had me putting up lower reps numbers in the last week, 6 days a week may be too much for me, my job is also pretty physical. I am tempted to start Neupert's kb maximorum, 4 day per week, focus on double c&p and squat plus single snatch.
@acts1038 I’m not opposed to running another one of his programs. I’ll just have to sort out the diet stuff elsewhere. Plus I don’t really unsustainable dieting. I’m not a bodybuilder prepping for a show. Just a dude trying to outpace death. 😂