Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…


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How does it feel to be God’s favorite? lol

If y’all exist, what do y’all do differently than most of us?

Can you recommend tips? I was working out earlier and I had to check if I had grabbed the right dumbbell because it felt extraaaaaa heavy lol

Is it just mind over matter? Drink more water?

Please share with the class 🥹

I was on the treadmill in the gym watching one of my shows and I almost cried (sad touching scene lol) damn hormones
@freds Seriously haha. My boobs go up an entire cup size to the point that I have a bra I can’t even wear two weeks out of the month. I hold anywhere from 3-5 pounds of water starting something like 10 days out.

I basically get one week of normalcy before it all starts over.
@alexthegreatest Was just thinking to myself how painful it is to run/jog/walk due to the soreness a week before. Seriously considering wearing a bra size SMALLER to keep less movement and hopefully less pain? 😝 Dunno how runners do this all the time.
@freds I used to have a shorter cycle, and then post covid vaccine my period got longer, so rather than 5 days, it goes for 8, it got heavier, and all the PMS symptoms got worse and didn't lessen since. :(

And it sucks because I used to get more like 2 weeks of normalcy but now just about a week and I hate it haha.
If y’all exist, what do y’all do differently than most of us?

I exist haha but I can't give you advice because I have no experience with preventing or managing period symptoms. The only difference I guess is my hunger. I'm even more ravenous when I'm menstruating, but that's like it. I don't avoid eating more because that usually leads to a binge, so I let myself have maybe 500 extra calories on the days I'm super hungry. I still hit my macros, drink 3L of water, and exercise like normal.

Listen to the other comments! I hope you can find some good ways to manage your routine whilst on your period. Sorry I can't be helpful here!
@sacm Also God's favorite here 👋

Ditto to hunger and allowing myself to eat more right before when I feel ravenous. Beef and other things like mushrooms that have high iron content.

I would also say I just take some days off from big workouts and stick to walking. No use pushing hard when the body needs to shed and regrow a womb
@sacm Yeah I get weird cravings when I’m on it like I don’t even like chips but yesterday pringles looked pretty good 🤣 thank you so much for sharing your experience with the class!
@freds I make sure to eat pretty clean around four days before my cycle starts (easy to track as it's always the day before the full moon) in order to minimize the bloating. I don't feel weak but am definitely not motivated or in a good mood in those few days. I think drinking more water is generally a good idea.
@randalthor1604 I avoid dairy products and red meat. Some cheese are OK as they are processed and lack most of the lactose which I can't digest anymore. I drink lactose-free milk but on my period I prefer to avoid that too.

I increase my fiber intake to avoid constipation (which causes me to be bloated and nauseous).

Since I'm not feeling well when I'm on my period, I try to make comfort food with what I have left: I love soups, which allows me to eat lots of veggies easily.

I will make myself some scrambled eggs to get lots of proteins from something easier to digest than red meat. You could also have easier-to-digest meat such as chicken. I'm just a bit lazy to cook chicken. I'll have some oatmeal which is rich in fibers.

I will have some meals based on goat cheese and some green veggies such as zucchini, spinach, etc., for example a quiche, which uses eggs so I have my proteins also.

If I'm tired of eggs, I will have some fish instead.

Have 1-2 squares of dark chocolates but not chocolate-based desserts as they increase the chance of constipating me. I don't like desserts most of the time either way, but on my period I often want some chocolate.

Water. Lots of water. :)
@randalthor1604 Generally my day to day diet is lower in fat and higher in protein with an emphasis on whole foods cooked at home. Those days before my period I stick more strictly to this and avoid eating out. Some foods higher in fiber (specifically popcorn, which I love) tend to cause an increase in water retention so I avoid them.
@savedsinner777 Came to say this. I'm not one of God's chosen people who doesn't feel like crap during that time, but I read a couple of books talking about the strong connection between clean eating and surviving a good cycle. Avoiding things like processed food, sugar, food that cause irritation, etc. can help. Instead, opt for grilled salmon for example, leafy greens, healthy fats, antioxidant ingredients, and fruit. Salty food can intensify bloating. Drinking lots of water flushes toxins and keeps your body hydrated. I also take iron supplements around that time and it improves my body aches and energy. As for mood... I really don't have a solution. I just cry, hug my pillow, feel like shit, pat myself in the back and move on.
@freds I do bloat and have some weight flux but taking the correct supplements has helped me a lot with fatigue and bad cramps. I specifically am low in D, B, Magnesium and Iron. If I am good about taking them regularly there is a big difference.
@freds I recommend getting a blood test with your doc. You could be lower in other stuff. Getting whatever you are deficient in up to normal will help :)

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