Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

@freds Dr Stacey Sims suggests adding in a little extra carbs for the energy. Her book Roar really covers a lot about the hormone changes we go through and how to combat them and structure our training to accommodate the hormonal changes. Highly recommend.

I get a strength dip and bloating usually at ovulation and I hate it.
@freds I bloat a little before my period and I’m likely to want to catch an afternoon nap the first couple days of my period but I don’t feel different with respect to how much I can lift at any point in my cycle. The only thing I think I do that’s even a little bit different than some other women is getting more fat in my diet, I’m averaging 75-80 g daily.
@freds Eat clean, eat a TON of red meat and spinach, drink lots of water, get extra sleep, and then push through the rest. Easiest said than done, I know. I get horrible cramps and heavy bleeding, but I feel way better if I work out (or at least go for a walk). They are not my best workouts, feel horrible, but getting body moving helps me tremendously.
@freds Nope! I do the same intensity, same weights, same length of time.
However, I mentally don’t want to do it so I don’t try to up weights and am just glad I’m doing it. If I don’t want to do a walk, I force myself to do 25-30mins. And then say after that I can be done, but usually I can power through 30mins even when I force myself
@freds Oh the weight check! Every. Damned. Month.
I get about 50% weaker one week a month. And its the week BEFORE my period not during. I actually feel phsyically great whilst haemorrhaging and unable to be away from a toilet for more than an hour. Im about to have that week nominated to just walking my dog, netflix and sleep 😂
@freds My boobs hurt, but I find if I'm eating low (~1200) then my period is lighter and shorter. I do gain some water weight but I don't track that.

As for the lack of cramps, ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ it's a trade-off. No cramps but a heavy bleeder.
@freds I bloat, but supplementing fiber (I use generic Metamucil/psyllium husk powder) helps a lot.

It also keeps me feeling full for longer, so I’m not constantly raiding the kitchen in the middle of the night!
@freds For me this may be weird, but I feel like the first half of my cycle will determine how the second half will be. If I stay consistent to my workout routine and eat a balanced diet (as opposed to losing my money on multiple fast food meals which is something that can happen) , then I sleep well and feel great the rest of the cycle, even before my period. On the other hand, if I neglect the workouts and order a lot of fast food during the first half of my cycle, then I get insomnia, bloating, bad PMS, etc
@alflex13 That’s very interesting! Do you notice any specific cravings meeting the time of the month? Like let’s say more red meat as opposed to like fish? Or more carby food?
@freds Going vegan really changed the game for me on this one. And then taking iron supplements stopped my steak cravings so I could better commit to being vegan.

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