Your top 5 toughest xfit workouts

@remiirekiigbe King Kong is pretty short and super fun. The weights are just too high for a lot of people to even complete it, but if you’re capable of lifting the weight I wouldn’t classify it as a “hard” workout.
@liberalchristian1980 Love squat focused WODs didn’t know about this one. On that note, I repeat these at least once a year:
  • Alexander
    5 rounds
31 back squat 135 lbs

12 power cleans 185 lbs
  • Bruck
    4 rounds
400 m run

24 back squats 185 lbs

24 push jerk 135 lbs
@liberalchristian1980 It’s clearly one to “game” but the workout is the 203 back squats, the 400m run is the “recovery”. However it’s definitely not going to be done sub 60 minutes for the average CFer.
@saraila edit: missed on first pass where you said benchmark but...

50 man makers for time (50lbs) with an 800m run cash-out is one of the worst workouts ive ever done.