12-Week Challenge: Week 5 Update

@denice65 Last week was another traveling week. I was gone for 5 of 7 days, but I lifted twice so that was good. This week I'm restarting Strong Curves Gluteal Goddess Week 1 after missing two weeks straight. So far I've done on workout and one cardio day. I still have two more serious lifting sessions and 1 more cardio day planned this week. Plus teaching a friend to lift, which I'm really excited about! I've also been tracking my macros again, I haven't hit them yet this week but just tracking them is a good start.
@denice65 The other day a woman at the gym asked me for advice on squats! Then, today, a woman asked me how long I'd been lifting (almost two months) and told me I looked really muscular already!
@denice65 Ah, I missed this week's update! Well, last week was great. Lifts were on point, cardio was good, and diet was real good! Weight is still the same, but that's okay, because I feel good about my work ethic, and eventually the results will show
@denice65 Down 2kg from my start weight (I want to lose 6kg overall) despite having several weeks previously were ife got in the way of good eating and exercise. I may not reach my goals, and especially my lifting goals as I have been away from the gym for weeks and will have to deload though I have formed healthy habits (Kettlebell Hiit workouts at home, high protein and veg) which will hopefully help me get back in to lifting.
@denice65 I've officially stopped cutting and am now eating at maintenance (YAY!) also I increased my run speed by a minute per km. Running a 5 minute K actually seems doable now for the first time since I set that goal.
@denice65 I had a much less active week last week. I took 2 back to back rest days that I really needed but then couldn't work out for 2 more days due to unexpected situations. Saturday was hard after 4 days off and I had to drag myself to the gym Sunday because I knew I would feel bad about not going. I told myself if I went to spin class I could half ass it. And then I had my best class ever and met my goal of keeping up through an entire class! Whoop!
@denice65 On Friday, my husband was hit by a car while on his motorcycle. He's been in the ICU since then. He will be okay, but it's been a really hard experience on him and me. I...just...don't really have it in me to weigh myself right now or check on my own fitness. I would love some words of encouragement so that next week I can start again. I know that it will help me get through this if I'm doing physical things and being healthy.

Edit - thank you very much for your kind words. And such wonderful advice!
@wheelgirl That is extremely scary and I'm so glad to hear that your husband will be ok. Give yourself permission to handle the next week however feels best for you in the moment. Rather than thinking of fitness as a chore to keep track of, maybe instead it can be a helpful way to relieve stressful, restless feelings and anxiety that you may experience when your mind is processing the trauma your family is going through. From a fellow motorcycling family to yours, many hugs xx.
@wheelgirl I am so sorry you are both going through this. How smart you have been to listen to what your mind and body need these past days. You have also identified exercise as a healthy coping strategy at this difficult time. I know you will do it!

If it helps, many hospitals have a walking path somewhere inthe building. It's usually a long hallway or a loop away from patient rooms. That might be a good thing to try as a first step back. The nurses will know if there is one.
@wheelgirl :( thoughts and well-wishes to you and your husband

Fitness is taking care of yourself and treating your body well. Sometimes that means working out and eating great, sometimes that means doing whatever you can to make it through a tough time. There's nothing to be ashamed of there. Just remember that it's never all or nothing. Every week, just do what you can, even if that means taking one night this week to take a long bath and try and get a good nights' sleep.
@denice65 I am SO CLOSE to my goal of squatting a plate.....but travel and injuries have been keeping me from it. I had a trip last weekend for work, this weekend is my boyfriend's graduation, and the following weekend is my sister's (both of which require a plane ride). That cuts me down to 3 days of lifting per week for a while. My IT band has been acting up now too, which sucks. I'm only 5 pounds away from my goal too.
@denice65 I've stuck to a schedule for six months now, and as soon as this challenge started, I just haven't been able to complete a single week as usual. Last week I was set on lifting 3x and cardio 2-4x, and I got a horrible head cold that wiped out any exercise whatsoever. I ate pretty well and a bit too much and was surprised to drop back to my low weight.

This week, I have a couple of things that will throw me off schedule again, but I should be in a groove again by the end of the week and plan to kill it next week.
@denice65 My eating has been absolute crap this past week because of finals + emotional stress + drinking, and I actually ate 3 brownies with cottage cheese, a bagel, 2 slices of pie just today :-( but I am ready to get back on track tomorrow. I really don't want to fall back into old binging + emotional eating habits, so I am trying to be very gentle to myself. Drinking a lot of water and herbal teas tonight to combat my now-upset stomach, going to study and dance alone in my room. Tomorrow for breakfast, eggs, brussels sprouts (have to clean out my freezer before move out) and 1/2 a grapefruit :-D

Gym-wise, been doing fine. Lifts are increasing, killed some HIIT on Saturday.

My weight was down, but after the past two days, I suspect it will be up at least a pound (if not more because of water). Oh well, the number does not define me-- and I have control over it. I know that if I treat myself better, eat well, and continue to go to the gym, it will go back down again.
@denice65 On the down side, I don't think I've lost any more fat last week, on the up side, I don't think I gained any either! When there is junk food in my days, I still manage to not go over "maintenance" (even though I'm trying to lose).

I feel good about this week though - yesterday was totally on point and I focused on eating protein when I was hungry (had an egg and some lunch meat and almonds for snacks)!
@denice65 workouts were pretty terrible. Right back to not trusting myself and being afraid of lifts. But the workouts happened on schedule.

weather has been gross, so I've been stuck inside.
@denice65 Listening to my body is just as important to me as working out now. I'm having a rest day after hitting my peak run even though I feel fine. It's the knowledge that I can blast it the next day is still there!
@denice65 Glad week five is over. I'm ready to push the reset button on everything.

Did not hit goal of working out 3x a week. Only had a real workout Wednesday and a twelve minute workout on Friday. Although, there was a lot of ten squats here, ten lunges there going on all week. Just didn't have time to bang out a real, long, intense workout.

Sleep schedule is effed, must get back on track.

I've been very dedicated to making good food choices every day and I'm yards ahead of what I used to be. But Saturday was a Derby party with tons of dips and chips and beer. Worth it though. Will try to be better in the future. Here is to hoping that vacation does not totally derail me!