16 Months to get a revenge body

@marblecake It's really, really hard to build muscle while being on deficit. You'd have to work 3x harder. Plus, staying on deficit too long means your metabolism will adapt and that can make it harder to lose weight. So you're making life more difficult from both sides. More efficient to "work smarter, not harder" especially with a 16 month timeline.
@nezsruiz I see 🤔 not OP but I'm nearing the end of my "cut" (just getting really bored and need to switch things up, I lost 20 lbs over the past few months but still have a ways to go) and trying to figure out what's next for me 😅 thank you!
@marblecake ive been lifting for 3 years and i have successfully built muscle while losing a significant amount of fat. It comes down to eating enough to gain muscle for your lean muscle mass, but staying under calories to lose fat. So say you weight 200 lbs and you are 25% body fat. You are a 150 lbs of lean muscle so if you are eating more than a 150 lbs person would need to maintain and eating your protein you will gain muscle.

Then comes into play newbie gains, you will gain a lot faster starting out so it makes it easier.

Yes you can do it, under certain circumstances. Mainly newbie gains.
@ruthhayes I'm so conflicted with the different information I see everywhere haha, it's so overwhelming sometimes 🤣 well, for now I'm going to eat the same I did while "cutting" (because technically it's pretty close to my maintenance now that I'm 10 lbs lighter) and if I get super hungry on lifting days eat a little more? I'll just have to see how it goes..🤞
@aspatat I love this journey, I’m totally rooting for you, and I think a little bit of revenge is a fun way of using natural anger towards a positive goal.

Don’t forget, those “before” pics are really the true “after” pics. They show a strong, beautiful woman who survived a relationship where you were not loved and appreciated as you deserve. Be proud of this woman in the mirror, you’ve already come so far
@aspatat How refreshing to hear from someone on this list with a reasonable timeframe, and no hard and fast goal, reasonable or not! You are definitely on the path to a physically and mentally healthier you. Congratulations! Now, hopefully a bit of inspiration from me, and my journey. In 16 months I was able to lose 60 lbs. on a calorie deficit of 250/day and bike riding or walking. I estimated 3/cal a minute for walking, 6 for cycling and 8 if I did the elliptical in the winter. I didn’t count yoga or weights for anything other than improving mobility and strength. I used My Fitness Pal Pro and weighed myself once a week. Every ten pounds I recalculated my TDEE to avoid plateaus. I set my calorie intake on sedentary so all cardio exercise was ululated into my daily calories based on the lowest possible setting. And a reminder to never go below 1200 ever. I was in my mid 50s, 5’2”, and about 180 pounds when I began. I did have to train myself to be satisfied with smaller portions, but overcame that by making sure I had good lean protein and lots of bulky vegetables. I satisfied my sweet tooth with fruit and biscuit like cookies, which tend to be lower in calories, but with a really satisfying crunch, so I could eat them slowly. I avoided anything lo-cal, sugar substitute, and even low-fat. I found that stuff tended to boost cravings rather than appease them. Go knock them dead, and be sure to post photos of your fabulous self, tearing up the dance floor at the wedding!
@aspatat i did p90x at a caloric deficit and got ripped.

then i got burned out and lost almost all my progress and didnt work out for months and gained back weight cause it wasnt sustainable at the time. but yea i got fast results
@aspatat Gym six days a week till show time. Back and arms, chest, then legs. Do a short ab workout after each and every day. Every time you dont feel like going, remember how good itll feel to look better than her lol
@dancingashlee And give 48hours in between too!!! Like Switch between upper body and legs days, if you gym 6 days a week op I’d recommend a monohydrate creatine helps rebuild the muscles between each workout!! Good luck!!!