22 ( f ) morbidly obese starting to work out advice

@santoscarmina1674 Definitely walk, or do marches at home while watching tv. Just get some general movement. When it comes to working out there are loads of YT videos, like sit and be fit, that can help. And always put form over reps. Reps will come easier once you get the form of squats or whatever down correctly.
Baby steps over massive leaps. Take it slow and steady cause that builds consistency and that will take you farther.
You got this!
@santoscarmina1674 I have no idea what your medical conditions are but for me…I was fat my whole life regardless or exercise or sleep. What finally after 40 years got me in tremendous shape was fixing my diet THEN working out.

Get w a dietitian, learn to count calories, and learn to cook. That with working out 2-3 times a week is the way to go. It’s fixed all my mental and physical health problems.
@santoscarmina1674 Write everything you do down, what work out, how much weights were involved, how long you did the work out, and the date and time you did it. Measure your body parts once a month and write down the measurements and write down your weight monthly and track it. Seeing progress like lifting heavier weights, shrinking in size, or a lower number on a scale is satisfying and doing these things will make it easier to see the results you get and stick to what you’re doing. Sometimes you wont see weight loss on the scale but you will when you measure yourself because muscles weighs more then fat but takes up a lot less space. Cut out sugary drinks and switch to water. I know many people who like to work out on an empty stomach which never really worked for me i would eat one piece of twelve grain toast with peanut butter and an orange before i went to the gym. Always stretch before a work out.
@santoscarmina1674 A lot of great advice in this thread. As someone mentioned, it starts with diet. Exercise is pretty important but diet should be the main focus, especially in the beginning. I love what you mentioned with your New Year’s resolution. I think walking consistently is a great way to help you get accustomed to activity in addition to whatever you wish to do with weights. We’re all rooting for you! Best of luck friend :)
Since then my weight has increased massively despite me not over eating.

Sorry, PCOS or not, that's not possible. It's basic thermodynamics. If you're gaining mass you're consuming more energy than you're spending. It's actually not a physical possibility.

So you ARE overeating. The good news is, it's a very common and very easy thing to fix - you are underestimating the caloric content of the food you eat.

The fix is simple: track everything you eat. Yes, everything. For a period at least, until you better understand what food is "worth" (calorically speaking). There are a million apps out there that make the process a little more than a nuisance.

Then just find your TDEE (google, I'm on mobile), eat less than that (you say you are morbidly obese so you can try a 300-500 deficit to start, then maybe dial it down to 200-300) and you will lose weight. If you don't you're either tracking your calories wrong or you miscalculated your TDEE.

As for exercise, if you're morbidly obese avoid high-impact exercises, like a lot of jumping, that will put significant strain on your joints and ligaments. You don't need them either - you're moving so much mass, and you are do far above the weight your body should hold, that pretty much anything that moves your body safely will work. Walk. Walking is massively underrated for weight lose especially if you're massively overweight. Just do some simple, safe, aerobics. Lifting weights is good too, especially as it will help you retain (and even gain) muscle, which will look and perform much better after the weight loss.

@toogerthecat I already track what I eat and I do mean I don’t over eat. I don’t eat perfectly healthy but I’m not shovelling huge amounts of food down my throat to be the size that I am. I’m working with my doctors about it as more than likely I have pcos and something else contributing to it. I’ve done shake diets, calorie deficits, weight watchers, slimming world ( as young as 10 ) and i even went to turkey to get a gastric balloon ( I don’t recommend) even after all that I’ve still gained weight even while having a exercise routine a couple years back. I’m not the type to lie on the internet even anonymously, whether you believe me or not is fine.

I’m no longer trying to lose weight I’m just focusing on my health now.
I’m not the type to lie on the internet even anonymously, whether you believe me or not is fine.

I don't think you're lying, as I don't think you mean to deceive anyone. Lying would imply you're doing it intentionally, and I don't think that's true necessarily. But you cannot keep gaining mass without a caloric surplus. It's not any more possible than simply ignoring gravity. Like, it's actually thermodynamics.

So if you are tracking what you eat and you are eating below your TDEE, and you're still gaining weight... one of those things can't be true anymore than 1 + 1 = 17. Either something in your tracking is wrong or your TDEE calculations are wrong. Everything else is actually impossible. Not hard. Not unlikely. Not rare. Impossible. Once you eliminate the impossible the remaining options, however improbable, must be true.

It's not possible for me to say exactly what is off without following you around 24/7 to cross check everything you eat and log and double check your TDEE calculations, but that's where the issue is.
@toogerthecat I know my diet absolutely contributes to my health, I’m not saying it hasn’t but I’m telling you 100% I’m not eating enough to be the size I am. I can’t tell you why that is. I’m not diabetic, I have no blood pressure issues, no thyroid issues, no heart disease, nothing medically that would come with being morbidity obese. My doctors check me constantly, I’ve told them the same thing about my diet. No lies intentionally or not I’m very open with how unhealthy I am. I eat around 2,000 calories a day if not less as I have a tendency to skip breakfast. I’m eating 2,000 unhealthy calories but still only 2’000. I’m not eating tons upon tons of food, period.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m not trying to justify anything and I’m absolutely not saying I’m perfectly healthy and I’m gaining weight for no reason. I know why I’m fat, my diet isn’t healthy/ regular, I don’t exercise enough and I have a medical condition that makes it easy to gain weight and extremely hard to lose. However being this big I would have to be eating a lot more than I am, I don’t know why that is and I’m investing it with my doctors who despite not believing me for a long time are now taking me seriously.
I’m eating 2,000 unhealthy calories but still only 2’000.

How "healthy" your calories are have a lot of meaning for your general health, but 0 meaning for weight gain or loss. You can lose weight eating nothing but Twinkies (literally, that experiment has been done) and gain copious amounts of weight on chicken salad.

Again, either you're tracking something incorrectly or you need fewer than 2k calories a day.
@santoscarmina1674 Good for you I know this is a hard thing to start. You can look on YouTube for chair workouts. Workouts that you can do sitting and building up your strength. Slow and steady is the key. There are so many great low impact workout videos on YouTube. The stronger you get the more workout plans you can try. I always found that making a week by week workout plan helps keeping me on track. You can also talk to a dietitian to help with a diet plan as well. Talk to your doctor as well they may have some suggestions for you.
@santoscarmina1674 My wife is PCOS. Insulin Resistance is a problem. Look into Whole30. My wife started Whole30 about 5 years ago after our son and you'd never even know she was PCOS. Fit in her late 30's, has energy for days and lifts 6 days a week with me.
@santoscarmina1674 I will eat super healthy and if I don’t work out I’ll still gain weight lol. I have to workout to maintain my weight. Since I’ve been working out for years I’m like just always 20lbs overweight and working out just keeps me there lol. Anyway that’s my experience and I feel for you!