24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

@cnghello I don’t think it’s real with the difficulty of starting with c2b for the progression. Everyone complaining that open is for everyone but C2b isn’t something alot of people have. I could see if that’s In a progression of advancing difficultly gymnastics but not out of the gate
@catholic2001 If C2B is intimidating don't worry, there has always been a scaled option. I've had an 82 year old complete the open so I really do feel like it can be for everyone. Plus, almost every open has had C2B pull ups. We saw them first in 11.6. I know my gym has been expecting something almost exactly like this.
@farmerdex I have c2b and bmu. Shoulder and wrist injury thrusters are going to hurt. I’ll have to single the 135 if I even get there and with grip and lats blown I will be hoping for 1 bmu. But with my current placing not sure I want to hurt that bad to get there 👴🏻🤬
@catholic2001 As an affiliate owner I really hope this is fake or meant to mislead us. Idk. Some many of my members are riding a high and right now and this is how they may choose to end that? Like what are they thinking
@yennora They’re thinking that CrossFit includes gymnastics. What were you thinking they were just going to omit one of the core pieces of the programming??
@yennora As someone who's limited by his gas tank and did pretty crappy on 24.1 and 24.2, I'm thinking I might have a chance to not do terribly. Seems like they've done a good job of hitting different people's strengths and weaknesses