24/M/5'11" 1 Year, 4 Months Progress from Calisthenics/Gymnastics


New member
Hi everyone! I posted a year and a bit ago on r/Fitness detailing the first year of my transformation.

A few days after posting that I discovered calisthenics and body-weight exercises and it completely changed my life. I used to lift weights 5-6 days a week and also did Judo/Muay Thai at the same time, but since moving home for the summer I switched into gymnastics in order to help me progress in my calisthenics and general flexibility, and man is it tough! I obviously still have a very long way to go before I can even say that I'm mediocre at many of the skills, but I am very happy with the progress I have made so far, and it's been inspiring seeing so many posts here and on r/Fitness showing people's progress. I work out a lot because it's sort of become my passion and my main hobby, and it honestly changed my whole life so I'm just hoping to help someone else out who's just starting or inspire someone like others did for me at the beginning.

I'm happy to answer any questions or take any criticisms you might have about how bad my squat and deadlift are (I didn't start training back/legs until late in the game...)!

Progress pics from March 2017 to August 2019:

2017 BEGINNING - March 2017 https://imgur.com/a/8V6dFWd

2019 CURRENT - August 2019 - https://imgur.com/a/hISLuVG

(bonus) Before Calisthenics: April 2018
One of the main things I noticed after over a year of body-weight training is that my body-weight dropped significantly. If you’ll notice from the April 2018 picture, before starting calisthenics, my body fat % was still way over 10%. I’m not sure how low it is now, but if I had to guess I would say it’s around 8% (feel free to correct me if you think otherwise!).

Here is a list of some of the skills I have progressed in over the past year and 4 months (anything listed as weighted is a one-rep max):

Push-Ups 30 > 70 - Weighted Push-Ups 20lbs > 90lbs

Pull-Ups 5 > 20 - Weighted Pull-Ups 15lbs > 95lbs

Dips 10 > 35 - Weighted Dips 45lbs > 135lbs

Pistol Squats 0 > 15/side

Muscle-Ups 0 > 8 - Weighted Muscle-Up 0lbs > 25lbs

Ring Muscle-Ups 0 > 3

Back Lever 0sec > 32sec

Front Lever 0sec > 5sec

Some other skills I learned:

· Dragon Flag

· One-Arm Push-Up

· Handstand Push-Up (most I have done is 3 in a row)

· V-Sit (still needs a lot of work)

· Jump on the Bar

Weight-Lifting Stats:

Bench Press 125 > 240

Overhead Press 65 (est.) > 145

Squat 115 > 285

Deadlift 135 > 295

My workouts:

Monday – Chest/Triceps/Shoulders
  • Bench Press
  • Overhead Press
  • Dumbbell Incline Press
  • Dumbbell Bench Press
  • Straight-Arm Pulldown
  • Weighted Dips
  • Weighted Pull-Ups
  • Weighted Push-Ups
Tuesday – Core/Shoulders OR Gymnastics
  • Overhead Press
  • Barbell Rows
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raises
  • Dumbbell Front Raises
  • Face Pulls
  • Handstand Walks
  • Wall-Assisted Handstand Push-Ups
  • Handstand work
Wednesday – Legs
  • Squats
  • Deadlifts
  • Quad Extensions
  • Hamstring Curls
  • Leg Press
  • Calf Extensions
  • Kettlebell Pistol Squats 3x8/side
Thursday – Core & Gymnastics

· I do about 30 minutes of core and/or yoga on these days just to help stretch and keep my core strong. In the evening I have a few hours of gymnastics so I don’t want to be worn out beforehand.

Friday – Day off

Saturday – Back/Biceps
  • Deadlifts
  • Barbell Rows
  • One-Arm Dumbbell Rows
  • Cable Rows
  • Weighted Pull-Ups, L-Sit Pull-Ups, and Explosive Pull-Ups
  • Weighted Push-Ups
  • Back Lever work
Sunday – Core & Gymnastics

· Same as Tuesday/Thursday.

Right now I have gymnastics on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays for about 3.5 hours a night, meaning I can only train weights three days a week. Until September I've changed my shoulder day to be a part of my chest/triceps day.

My workouts changed significantly, as I shifted from just doing weights every day to doing mostly weighted calisthenics. I saw a lot of videos online of people doing these crazy moves on the bar with their body and decided I wanted to try it out.

My diet also changed significantly as I started to cut out all of the fast food, junk food, sugar, and unnecessary carbohydrates. I stopped drinking for the most part, which has also helped a lot, because not only am I never "too hungover to workout", I don't have those empty calories holding me back. Since giving up alcohol and fast food/junk food, I’ve noticed dramatic increases in my workout progress and my wallet hates me less.

Here is what my diet mainly consists of:

Protein - Chicken, eggs, fish, steak, duck, Greek yogurt

Carbs - Quinoa, fruit (berries, avocado, dates, figs mostly), vegetables (broccoli, asparagus, sweet potato, green beans, SPINACH)

I cut out most dairy products and white foods like pasta/bread/potato stuff because I found it just made me bloated and sluggish. I don’t drink coffee or tea, only water because I prefer it. I get a lot of questions to why I don’t have any peanut butter or nuts in my diet – I’m allergic. :(

Thanks for reading and if anyone has any questions/comments for me I'll try to respond to every comment!
@anthonyosa Amazing progress and progress pictures! You should be very proud of yourself!

Great hold times on your Front and Back Levers too, did you feel that doing a lot of weighted basics (pull ups, dips, push ups) were enough to get you there, or did you find that you needed specific work on the skill to be able to achieve it and increase hold times?
@button Thank you!

I did a lot of progressions leading up to it, such as Tuck BL > One-Legged BL > Straddle BL > Back Lever, each for 30 seconds before moving onto the next one. For Front Lever I did the same thing, but it's a LOT harder than I expected and progress has been a bit slower but still quite steady. I've started working on One-Legged FL Pull-Ups which has been by far the most helpful thing so far, and general core strength helps.
@button It feels so good once you get that first 2-3 second hold. Man, when I had just started I was like "front lever will be way easier than back lever!"

N o p e
@saintvincent I was fortunate enough to join my local university's team for the summer since my friends are in it. My school doesn't have a gymnastics team since it's a smaller uni, so most of the year I'm going to have to practice by myself or see if I can find an open gym somewhere to practice.

I think if you're looking to get into it I would start by calling up your local gyms to see if they have any classes for people in your age range/skill level - chances are if you're in a mid-size or large area they will have quite a few!
@sportmom I believe a year ago I was doing a myriad of different ab routines trying to mix it up daily, I was probably using an app or something at the time. Sometime last summer I switched to a new ab workout that was designed by ThenX's Chris Heria (say what you will about him, he knows how to make good circuits), and that can be found here:

If you're not a big fan of follow along videos, I'd recommend picking 6 or 7 exercises such as the ones I'm about to list and doing 45 seconds of each:
  • Leg Raises (Hanging or Lying)
  • Side Planks
  • Boat Holds
  • Russian Twists
  • V-Ups
  • L-Sits
  • Weighted Sit-Ups
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Plank In and Outs
  • Plank Jacks
  • Mountain Climbers
There are a lot more great ones but those are some of my favorites - add weight to whichever ones you can to help build muscle while losing fat!
@anthonyosa Haha that Chris Heria does put together a mean circuit. Also, has cool tattoos.

Thanks for the detailed and comprehensive reply, dude! I really appreciate it.
@dawn16 Well technically the difference in aesthetic is only from the second picture to the third, so I had already put on a little mass before I started calisthenics! But thank you :)