24/M/5'11" 1 Year, 4 Months Progress from Calisthenics/Gymnastics

@anthonykeithjohnsonjr Currently I'm at:

Weighted Push-Ups 4x25 @ 40 lbs (weight-vest)

Weighted Dips 5x5 @ 105/110/115/115/115 (belt)

Weighted Pull-Ups 5x5 @ 45/55/55/55/45 (belt)

For what it's worth, I've found explosives are a great way to train if you don't have weight vests/belts.
@anthonyosa Damn dude that's amazing. I'm the same height and want to do weight lifting with calisthenics too. What Rep and set ranges do you do in your workouts with so much variety?
@gardenangel For main lifts (bench press, overhead press, squat, deadlift) I do 5x5 with a warm-up set or two, and then for all of the rest of the accessory lifts I do 3x8 or 3x10. I've found 5x5 to be the most helpful with improving strength and 3x10 is better for volume and hypertrophy.

The one exception is that I'll sometimes do sets of 20 on the leg press and calf extensions with lower weight and really slow if I really don't want to walk the next day.
@anthonyosa Thanks for the info. I'm doing 531 BBB right now as a beginner and was thinking of switch to FSL for the main lifts. Good to hear 5X5 works for ya. Might take it for a whirl next cycle!
@profureligie When I started training a few years ago I made a bad split that focused primarily on upper body and had a big emphasis on bench press. My bench improved fast but kind of plateau'd for a while when I started doing other stuff.

If you want to improve your bench, the best thing that worked for me was doing a 5x5 twice a week and a 3x10 once a week with lighter weight, alongside dumbbell bench press and other variants. Also, doing a 3x7/7/7 (7 wide, 7 normal, 7 close) on chest day is something I do as well and helps with volume and form!
@dawn16 I never stopped daily coreworkouts actually. Most mornings I do 2-3 quick circuits before breakfast and 4-5 evenings a week I do 30 minutes of yoga or a little more core if I'm tired and don't have as much time.

Also skipping has been one of the best things for my core and it's very high intensity - doing 15 minutes a day of skipping is great for you.
@anthonyosa That's very nice.Keep working!The real way is not just weights,the real way is not just calisthenics,the real was is to do both calisthenics and weights!Now you will be the coolest at the pool party.
@anthonyosa Incredible progress!

How did you work this in with your judo/muay thai training? Or did you quit that when you moved back home? I train jiu jitsu 5 days a week for 2-2.5 hours per day, so I try to work in some BWF on the off days.