3 Things I learned walking 100,000 steps (48 miles!) in a single day, plus tips on long-distance walking:

@mommamimi Wow! That’s amazing. I can’t imagine going 45k more than 100k! How did you feel after?

Bummer on the step count but that is truly an amazing feat!
@katty143 I felt ok, all things considered. I made an effort to try and stay moving throughout the day which wasn't that hard given that my son was 3 at the time. In total, I covered 63 miles in about 20 hours and I think the varying terrain of the trail really helped work different muscles.
@mommamimi 63 miles is incredible. I wonder if I would’ve been able to hit even the 100k steps if I had done it hiking. Mine was all flat. It’s hard to imagine doing anything with incline/decline. Maybe I’ll give it a shot one of these days.

My daughter is four so I’ve been staying moving more than I’d like but so far I feel ok. I think it’s helping with recovery. Without her, I’d probably be stuck to my couch so I’m glad she’s giving me a reason to get up and move. We did a walk together last night and she motivated me to get my daily 10k (usually I do 20-25k but this is my absolute minimum I let myself do).
@katty143 That sounds fun. I kind of want to try it.

Were you sore afterward? One day when I wanted to clear my head I walked from my home in the city out to a local National Trust place, walked around on the moor a bit, and then walked home again. It came to around 27 miles. My thighs were sore the next day, which I didn't expect because I run and walk a lot and it was reasonably flat compared to most of the hikes I do.

Walking really is awesome though, even just around the city. Some days when I can't find any work to do I like to walk from library to library, reading a short story in each one.
@dawn16 I love the idea of going from library to library. That’s super fun. I might do that one of these days.

I felt fine yesterday (the day after) with minimal soreness but today I collapsed getting out of bed. My legs just gave out. I rested a bit longer and now feel pretty normal.

I don’t feel it in my thighs, but I do in the joints of my toes and feet. I think everyone has a different stride / style of walking though so you might feel it differently than me.

I’m a runner too so I was surprised by the leg collapsing thing. Our bodies are strange things!
@katty143 Yeah I’m doing this. I’ll start with 50k then do the 100k.

Did you track calories at all? I’m interested in how many calories you usually consume vs how many you consumed on this day.

Also, congrats!
@iaen Oh, and definitely start with 50k! I did 50k in December and it taught me a lot about the mental aspect. I’m glad I did it before the 100k.

You’re awesome for going for it!
@iaen I do! I ate around 5,000 calories that day. Most of it was at night after I was done. The next day, I ate the rest of the extra calories.

I usually burn 2,500-3,000 calories per day (I’m a runner / lifter) and try to hit at least maintenance so I can build muscle.
@famof6 10k is so much more than a lot of people though!

I wear New Balance Nergize. I will never own another running / walking shoe. These things are amazing. I just replace them when they wear out. I am blown away by how comfy they are.
@katty143 That's awesome! But as one mom to another, what did you do with your kid after school? My daughter would go insane with boredom in her stroller for more than an hour.
@gramm15 I am very lucky and my grandmother picks her up from school sometimes.

However, I do have a wagon I pulled her in for about two hours of my adventure. She had her tablet, a bajillion snacks, a ton of blankets, and some coloring stuff. It was a good motivation to have her with me.
@katty143 This is very cool! I happen to have this weekend off and you’ve inspired me to try 50k steps. The most I’ve done is 30k in a day so it’ll be quite the challenge. I’ve already started looking up trails to do. Way to go!
@gigigirl16 When I did my 50k challenge in December I broke it up into chunks and that helped a lot!

I walked three hours in the morning, rested an hour or so, and then spent the day touring a local town. I visited all the cute shops. Then, at night I did another three hours of straight walking. It was nice to have the midday be more relaxed.
@katty143 Thanks for the advice. I was considering starting off on the treadmill first thing in the morning then going on a pretty decent hike to bust out a majority of the steps and finishing up with long walk with my dog. Just to change up the scenery and terrain.
@gigigirl16 That sounds like a great plan. Changing up scenery and terrain makes it so much less boring. And having your dog to motivate you at the end will be awesome!!
@katty143 I am in awe of you! If I get 10k a day I pat myself on the back! I think some of it is boredom. I get bored on my treadmill when it’s too cold to go outside. When I can go outside though I try to listen to motivational podcasts like Tony Robbins or Les Brown to get all pumped up. And of course the theme song to Rocky..well because it’s awesome and makes me feel like a bad as$..🤣
@stardreamer First off, you are a badass. Secondly, 10k a day is awesome. So many people don’t ever hit that.

I feel you on the boredom thing. I’ve started only watching Netflix on the treadmill so it’s like a special thing if I have to do my walks or runs indoor.