3 Years of Calisthenics (Lots of info)

@jesuschaser1982 Very rarely, a few months ago I picked it up again for an afternoon and was able to still 2 stock a lvl 9 cpu, but haven't played since then. Definitely was my favorite game for a long time. Mained Falcon and Pikachu, Ganon when I wanted to bring out the extra salt...
@theholinessinme Yes! they should, my diet was just bad, and I wanted to highlight that I was still able to make progress without being optimal with what I was eating. Definitely not suggested to eat like that lmao
@hikkeydodger Could be so many things, but if you're spending your day mostly sitting like I was/am its easy to put an unnecessary burden on your back muscles. I also try to spend some of my time on my laptop or working, laying on the ground on my stomach. Its a great way to open your chest up and make your posterior chain not stretched out all day.
@button Damn, similar physique to me; I need a beard. Just as a related note, take a look at Fibre Fueled (here) which may help with your digestive issues and move towards a 100% plant-powered diet.
@jadorarie Awesome, thanks for the suggestion! I'm definitely going to check it out, been interested in learning more about gut health after going through all of this.

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