3 yr update - 37/M


New member

Wanted to repost after getting some messages about physique questions and RR progressions from my last post so here we go again.

Starting calisthenics was the best decision of my life. After years of injuring myself at the gym, I feel more capable and injuries don’t stop me from continuing to exercise (not without modifications of course). i feel more confident in my body’s abilities and am moving better now than I have in my late 20’s early 30’s. The best feeling was this weekend while at EDC, gym bros would ask me how much i bench and I’d answer with a push-up progression.

i’ve documented my progress from the past 3 years in other posts if you want to see the progression.

current routine:
- RR 3x’s a week (with a bicep focus day, delt focus day, and leg focus day)
- progressions:
++ muscle up +10lbs/pistol squat +10lbs
++ dips +90lbs/nordic curl negatives
++ hspu wall assisted/front lever to straddle row
++ weighted leg raises +25 lbs
- 1-2 days of walking (12/30/3 but usually 2.7 speed)

diet: vegetarian 80/20 (clean:not so clean). i noticed a pretty significant change in body composition when i started eating a whole salad kit for dinner a couple nights a week and adding an additional protein supplement (either a 2x shakes or shake + protein oats). also taking creatine (10mg) 5-6x’s week.

weight: first photo is 188; current weight 162.

So thankful for this community and it’s many voices. Reach out if you ever want to chat about bwf.
@rkenoke Your diet changes rang true to me. Always been skinny fat myself, with a generally small stature. Started running quite a bit, but mostly adding at least a protein shake every day, sometimes two and my first 4 abs are starting to show. Not that much, but still, gave me more motivation to keep doing what I am doing, because something is working.
@rkenoke I'm a pretty regular meat eater, so thought I was doing fine, but at the same time, I think I might have been undereating a bit during the day. Belly fat mostly comes from stress-eating potato chips on the weekend, and alcohol. I still eat meat, chips and drink alcohol, but since I noticed that it actually does make a difference, it is easier to cut back some, while increasing protein.
I mean, it ain't too late by a long shot. In fact, if you don't start exercising then from this point (40s) you'll start losing what muscle you have.

Don't postpone it. You can start at any point, you will struggle during first 2-4 weeks and then it will gradually become much more satisfying. From that point on you will learn how to take care of yourself till the rest of your life. I set my mind on thinking of working out as therapy against side effects of aging. Also, lots of fun meanwhile. That helped me.
@rkenoke just curious, can you elaborate what this part of your post means?

"(with a bicep focus day, delt focus day, and leg focus day)"

does that mean you do RR and then extra exercises for bicep/delt/leg? or do you have additional days for those focus days? or something else entirely?

nice work tho, looking good