3 yr update - 37/M

@halogirl5 i always prfioritize based on my goals and put them first. currently it’s core first, rr supersets, then finish with whatever muscle group in targeting (bicep, legs, delts). gl!
@kd4qfh ah okay. i live in a city and don't have a big store like this near me, so that could be why i've never seen them. will look into buying online though
@rkenoke Wow, great progression! Im in the same place as you when you started. Did you start with the gym or did you do bodyweight stuff at home? Also can you tell me more about your diet or do you know any good resources on diets?
@kelving best advice i can give you is just to start making healthy choices. i would get exhausted with going to strict or too hard. i started just stretching and walking 3xs a week, then the bwf primer, then the RR. k.i.s.s. and stack those little wins
@kelving as for diet, just make healthier choices for now. if you’re at my starting point, you’ve got a journey ahead of you and it has to be above all else sustainable
@rkenoke Nice job and looking great for 37! I love seeing results of 30+ folks as I'm 48 and have just begun getting serious in calisthenics, and starting to see results after 6 months. Very inspiring.
@peacecozub i know some get frustrated with 17-20 yr old transformations that seem like mostly puberty gainz but fitness is for all of us! i think those might just be getting upvoted which says more about our community
@rkenoke Breakfast: Smoothie (1 apple+ 2 bananas+ 1 scoop whey+ 30gm peanut butter + 250ml milk)

Lunch: 2 Chapati(flatbread) + vegetable+ 3 egg omlette

Dinner: 2 Chapati(flatbread) + vegetable + 70 gm Soy chunks(textured vegetable protein)

Total protein: 93gm