4 years of hard work

@silsophi You have a problem ... you look a lot at instagram bodybuilding influencers who are enhanced and lean all year round and believe that this is the norm for the average natural male with 4 years of training.

I saw the picture, and you look like an average male who's been training for 4 years ... come on. do you really think that you look untrained ... wtf

I would say some people are genetically gifted at getting, staying lean ... but most are not (yeah life is unfair) ... but that's not a big deal ..

train hard and do scheduled cuts (not long ones) every while and over the course of few cuts you would find yourself much leaner .. but don't stress about it ... as long as you're not planning to participate in a bodybuilding contest .. you're good
@silsophi Damn that sucks. Ah well. Genetics is a bell curve. There's people with great genetics & people who will never look particularly impressive. Maybe there's another hobby that can fulfill your interests
@silsophi First things first man. Get the fuck off socials for a good long while. And don't give me the bullshit of "I use socials for communication". Anyone who gives a shit about you or vice versa they should have a way to contact you if need be. Secondly once that's done do some self reflection and find out what you REALLY want out of your fitness lifestyle. Once I got off socials(especially IG) and found what really made me happy I found a new love for fitness and myself. Not everyone is meant to be fucking jacked at 4%bf year round with a perfect symmetrical physique. Find YOUR happiness in fitness outside of what you see in the mirror, bc no amount of gear and "looking juicy bro" is going to make you feel better.

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