6 Months update

@bearring Congratulations! Great to see a progress update from someone else doing the Move Routine! The GF and I started a little while ago and just got into phase two.
@bearring Move seemed like a better fit for me and the space I live in. Been trying it off and on for about 2 years now. Hoping to stick to it this time with someone holding me accountable. Keep up the good work and best of luck to you!
@dawn16 Yeah absolutely, if not doing it only lets yourself down then who cares? but if you feel like you're letting other people down that's a real motivator.
@bearring Skater here! Nice progress dude! I skate on my off days and my on days, I just do everything besides legs and do them when I get home from skateboarding and it works out ok for me, sometimes my core is really tired when I’m skating but it feels good and almost like a stretch. I did once do legs and then skate and it was impossible haha. So try skipping legs and doing them at night after skating, but find what works for you and good luck and good job.
@bearring Honestly I’d recommend slowly upping the calories by 100 per week or fortnight until you hit around 2000. You’ll be amazed at how you’ll still be losing body fat while still having growth in muscle. 1500 is a really low amount for a male.
@bearring Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation
@bearring Good stuff dude! What setup do you ride?

I am in a similar position to you and am a bigger skater losing weight through the hobby. I am currently down to 91kgs from 103kgs. With 1500 calories and skating 5 nights a week for 1-1 1/2 hours you can expect to lose 1 -2 kgs per week. Skateboarding is so good for weight loss. When you are not skating instead of sitting down just keep on walking to keep the movement up. Tricks in my experience are great for cardio. In my experience if you can do long manuals do lots of those. It’s fun, great for getting your balance and skills back and It is extremely good for your core and will tone your abs quickly especially if you start them early. Balancing while heavy takes a lot of upper body strength.

Also dude if you can Ollie and keep on losing the weight you will see crazy improvement in height and airtime week to week. It’s crazy!

Most importantly have fun. Skateboarding should always be fun and should never feel like just a workout. Also bigger wheels help while heavier.
@fox101 I skated a lot when i was younger and then it's been off and on since.

I skate street at parks mostly. I can do all the basics like kickflips, heelflips, pop-shuvs, bs/fs 180s and some park stuff, I have very confident noseslides on big ledges, always liked those. Working on 5050s and boardslides on the small ledges/rails currently, gotta get those back now.

My manuals are terrible... I have lost all my balance hah.

I skate an 8.0 with hard small wheels, gotta have those slippery wheels cos my 180's are lazy.

I'd like to learn to back 180 over a big hip, but i took a bad slam trying that the other day, it's probably my first new learn since starting again as opposed to re-learning old stuff.