6 years after discovering /r/bwf

@sister_diane Same statement and question - what part of the post's routine mentioned contributed most to lat development, in our [OP's] opinion?

also, thanks Pinocchio for some suggestions - i might add wide-grip pull ups, too.
@godsu Yooo! I also climb in Az bouldering and lead climbing. I took a few months break so getting my strength and endurance back up again. Which gym do you go to, focus?
@kptfit Very good question. The answer is... absolutely. In several different ways.

Growing up, through high school and my first stint in college, I was very short and skinny. I have a young face (which I'm now reaping the benefits of), and I also sounded young. So, for most of my life, people first meeting me at a party or whatever always assumed I was someone's younger brother, or some genius kid that was moved ahead. Eventually people would get to know who I was, but it took deliberate effort on my part. I never dated in high school, and had very little game/action from 18-23.

Now, I guess the simplest way to put it is I'm treated as more of an adult by people I'm meeting for the first time. Looking healthy appears to demand more respect from people, and maintaining some level of fitness seems to convey that I have self-discipline. It's a double sided coin, though. Now instead of people thinking I'm a little boy, they think I'm a bro. Sure, I wear tank tops, but I also live and bike in Phoenix, AZ where it gets to 125 degrees in the summer. Of course people quickly realize when they talk to me that I'm not a bro, I'm just a socially-awkward geek in a fit body.

There's another side to this, too, which is how I treat other people. As one might imagine, I've done quite a bit better with the fairer sex in the past 6 years. I'm still awkward as hell, but I gained a LOT of confidence right away, and that confidence has helped alter my view of who I am, who other people are, and what's important to me. Of course, some of this is also going to be due to just growing older and wiser, but looking good helps.
@godsu This is really cool, thanks for sharing. I’ve always been fascinated with how people treat other based on how they look and present themselves. I haven’t had anything near the transformation you’ve had but I’ve made smaller changes and even then have noticed a difference in the way people interact with me.

P.S. I never would have guess you are 30 now 😛
@godsu Inspiring story man, as a beginner this has motivated me to take my routine more seriously. Kudos on your well built physique, keep killing it man!
@breezin These days, my routine has been bouldering for 2 hours a day, 3 days a week. I had shoulder surgery a year ago, and just started to incorporate pull ups, dips, and push ups back into my weekly routine. I usually just do three sets of each, plus max-time hangs on the bars and planks.

I'll edit the original post with links to my diet and more specifics on the progressions I went through when my main focus was calisthenics.