9 pound weight loss in under 3 weeks, I’m so happy!!


New member
Age: 21
Height: 4’11” (151cm)
Starting weight: 163lbs (74kg)
Current weight: 154lbs (70.2kg)
Goal weight: 121lbs (55kg)

I’ve been using the app Lose It! to calorie count, eating 1200 calories daily, by simply swapping instead of stopping eating my favourite foods.
I have a binge eating disorder and ADHD, so I’ve also been taking Vyvanse which has majorly helped curb my appetite and the food noise in my head. I haven’t begun exercise yet, and am very sedentary because of my job and lifestyle. I’m on day 19 of my diet and have lost 9 pounds!
I’ve struggled with weight loss for so long, so for it to finally work this time has made me so unbelievably happy. I managed to lose the 9 pounds earlier this year but I was literally just starving myself because of my ED and then of course that wasn’t sustainable so I binged and gained it all right back. I finally feel like I’m beginning to have a healthy relationship with food and like I’m getting my ED and weight under control. I’ve decided that once I hit 143lbs I’m going to start hitting the gym so I can gain some muscle and feel more “toned”, since I’ll have less weight on my knees.

It’s a small accomplishment to a lot of people but to me I finally feel like I’m achieving the impossible and I’m so proud of myself.
@alpacaqueen I think it’s because the meds balance low dopamine levels which helps lessen the impulsivity to snack. Some folks with ADHD have a higher impulse to snack to get some of that dopamine hit. I also have ADHD and no longer snack as much since starting medication and this has contributed to my weight loss.
@santosrodolfo28 Definitely this, a lot of people with ADHD also have a binge eating disorder because food gives us temporary “quick hits” of the dopamine that we’re severely lacking. We quite literally get addicted to food like it’s a drug, because it gives us so much dopamine.
@rceaandtyhoius Definitely only something you should take if you have ADHD, it can mess with your brain if not and can be pretty addictive for people without it. People with ADHD have a high chance of also having binge eating disorders because we have severely unregulated dopamine and food gives us quick hits of it. Hence why a drug like Vyvanse is prescribed to people like me who have both ADHD and Binge eating disorders.

This is also a lifelong drug for me, I would assume a neurotypical person who takes it could very easily gain the weight back once they stop taking it.

Also, keep in mind that I still have to put a LOT of mental work into making my diet work. My Vyvanse has just helped me curb my binge eating disorder so I’m still starting as a “regular overweight person” (if that makes sense). Vyvanse isn’t a miracle drug for weight loss by any means. I promise you that you can do it without a weight loss drug, I know at 4’11” how easy it is to feel huge. Trust me at 163lbs you’re not as big as your mind is tricking you to think. Take one day at a time and slowly change your eating habits until you’re on a cal deficit, and I promise you’ll start to see results. You’ve got this!!!