After 5 years of bodybuilding and dissapointing gym apps, I made one with us in mind

@mikeck That's the Rate of Perceived Exhaustion. It's used to rate the intensity of the exercise. An RPE of 9 means I probably can do one more rep (RIR of 1, or Reps In Reserve, if using this scale). I'd say it's one of the most important metrics that anyone could track in his training program (regardless if someone is using periodization or not). In other words it's basically a signal that allows you to make progress from session to session with (more or less) objectivity.
@joemannino I haven't heard of it before, but this sounds like a great thing to track indeed. I really think this would be useful. I'll add this feature in the todo list and read up more on it. It might take some weeks/months to get the feature out though, since there are quite some other things in the pipeline. If you have any suggestions for how you'd like to see it implemented, feel free to let me know!
@emmierose80 Hmm not perfect - for example, it doesn't really have any flexibility in terms of swapping exercises for one specific workout. Sometimes what I want to do is taken, so I want to substitute something in once only. Strong either makes me switch it in the routine and save that, or not save those results at all.

It also doesn't allow me to have different set/rep schemes of the same exercise in different workouts. So if I do pull ups as a main exercise on one upper day, and auxiliary on the other, it'll only remind me of my most recent weight/reps-which can be much different if I'm tired already vs just starting a workout.
@stephheartbroken To your first point, when you replace the exercise, it does save the work that you've done. At the end of the workout, the option that pops up is asking you if you want to permanently save the change to the routine. Clicking no still saves the replacement exercise sets and reps in the log history (if you go in and check).

Second point, there is an option in the settings to change whether you see the previous sets/reps from all workouts, or from the same workout template only. You need to change it to same workout template only in your case.
@exilesinwaiting Hey bro, here are some things I focused on while creating myWIP that I couldn't find with other apps:

- When logging an exercise, your entire log history is in the same screen (this helps me to see what I did in my last workouts). The graphs are also a swipe away and multiple ones show up in 1 screen (rather than 1 graph per screen). This gives me a better overview of my progress in real-time per exercise or per workout.

- There is a workout mode where you get a summary + stats of your current workout. You can also compare it to your previous workouts to motivate yourself to do more than last time (by keeping the graph trend up).

- myWIP gives you real-time suggestions during your workout that encourages you to 'do more'. For example: if you input a weight you did before to the logger, it gives you the highest reps you did for that weight before. This way you know what's your next step.

- myWIP has a section dedicated entirely to goals. Like mention in the post, you can make very detailed goals for exercises. For example, if you want to reach 225lbs in squats, you can create a plan for how to get there. For example, if you're starting in 135lbs, you can say: on March 22, I will do 135lbs x 12 reps, on March 25, I will do 145lbs x 12 reps, on March 28 I will do 155lbs x 10 reps, etc. These are then linked to your workouts so you have them while training. This personally helped me hit so many goals and stay consistent.

- myWIP is hosted on the cloud. Meaning that you can take your workouts anywhere. This was a must for me. Because it was always a nightmare to switch/format phones. Almost always I ended up losing workout data because I forgot to back it up. I plan to add offline support soon once I learn more about PWAs. It also made development a bit easier for me since I'm a web developer.

- You can log custom measurements.


If there's something crucial you think is missing I'd love to hear about it! Currently I add features based on my and my gym buddies' day-to-day experiences training.

Here are some things that's currently in the works:

- Rest timer in-between sets

- Add a weekly overview summary card.

- Make the app work fully offline. Currently you need to be connected to the internet to log stuff. You can otherwise view the app offline. This is just due to my web development background. I built the app on the web, and ported it to Android with PWA technology.

- Make a smartwatch app that syncs with the app.

- In your workout summaries, show the muscles trained by %.

- And more.. just takes time :) I develop the app next to my regular job as a hobby project.


Here is a video that goes over the main features of the app:
, and this other one is a walkthrough:
@mikeck Thanks. The offline logging is a must for me personally - my gym has very poor reception and they just stopped offering WiFi for whatever shit reason.

Second, I don't know about you but I personally like to be able to build in the target reps and sets into the workout when I set it up. Looks like you can't do that on your app unless I'm mistaken?
@emmierose80 Setting goals is possible. I made a small walkthrough video that explains this part. Feel free to check it out:
Fair warning, video is highly improvised :))
@mikeck Is there a chance to implement an in-app rest timer, such as when you log the reps and weight for a set, it triggers the timer with the desired rest time?
@lightnow23 I was actually thinking about adding something like this recently. Nice you suggested it! I'll add it to the todo list. Might take a few weeks to have it ready though :)