After Almost 2 years I admit defeat.. I don't know what to do anymore

@evnwlsn People can tighten their skin with weights! By building muscle and increasing tone, that can happen. In your case I think that is already happening.

For the days you don't do any lifting maybe you can add in your cardio days? In my experience when we did workouts as an athlete we had our hardest workouts on days we didn't do any lifting. And keep up the 10k steps per day!

Sorry I don't have any more expertise outside of my personal experience as an athlete. Another thing that I've noticed is that I retain weight more when I'm on birth control, but that is outside of Reddit and a conversation you'd have with your doctor.
@kerriep I really appreciate your thoughts :) , but i don't think i successfully has tighten my skin even a little ( 2 years is more than enough period to at least see a difference but in my case you can see that my triceps area is not changing at all

i will definitely add cardio in days i don't lift weight, my question is should i decrease my calories ?
@evnwlsn I have made huge progress with my loose skin and weight training. It takes time for skin to change and if you haven’t been training optimally then there’s definitely still a possibility it’ll change.
@evnwlsn Honestly there has been quite an improvement in my opinion (like others are saying) in the years you've put in! I was just offering some additional things you can try if you really want to target that area specifically, which can be difficult.

I honestly don't think you need to decrease your calories, but that is my opinion, especially if you plan to increase your workout regimen. Take my opinion with a grain of salt -- I'm only speaking from my personal experiences in healthcare and as a former athlete! A professional might help more in this matter.
@evnwlsn Your shoulders are wicked toned. Bicep is lean and poppin’. You definitely do have loose skin that, from my perspective, will be best addressable through surgery. The good news is that you have done a ton of work to tone your arms and they look great. The surgery is a personal decision, but you should be so proud of your progress regardless of your decision!
@dawn16 Im scared of surgery plus the scar that I will get
My arms relaxed don’t look good what you are describing is my flexed form.

I want to but whenever I look at my arms I feel frustrated,, for 2 years ,, little that I have accomplished..

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