already dreading tommorow's cringe 9/11 tribute

@marieb3 So did you drop in to a box last year for a 9/11 workout? Because you say “last year” but you posted last month you’ve been doing CrossFit for 6 months and 2 months ago that you’d been doing it for 4 months.

IF this happens anywhere, I wouldn’t go to that box if the owners didn’t correct the coaches behaviors. But it kind of seems like you’re just grabbing some low hanging fruit to rile up Reddit. Which is just as “cringe.”
@marieb3 I've never liked the ultra conservative military / police fetish in CF. I guess that comes with the territory in how and where it originated but I could do without it.
@bacsb0 My gym does the hero WODs and honors military service, be we also have hero WOD during pride month, black history month, and honoring unions on Labor Day.

It’s weird people think can only have 100% military based hero WODs or 0%. Heroes are not only in the military (but there are plenty in the military) and we can honor all of them.

The us v them mentality in this country is really dangerous.
@more4less This right here. It’s like folks have forgotten that you can think for yourself.

“Oh… it’s okay to support the military, fly an American flag and also support women’s rights? I didn’t know that was an option…”

The group think has become too powerful. Very happy to say I’ve never affiliated with any political party for that reason.
@bacsb0 It is possible to support police, military, and civil rights all at the same time. It’s unfair and hypocritical to paint the community with such a broad brush.
@bacsb0 Plenty of CF gyms that do not do this stuff, especially in cities. My gym specifically has policies against it, but I also live in a very liberal city, so maybe that's just the norm here. It was the same at my previous gym in another city years ago. I would not go to a gym that participates in this stuff.
@bacsb0 yeah, its kinda cringy. it would sort of fall into the category if McDonalds were selling 9/11 value meals, for $9.11 tomorrow only or something