Andrew Hiller Open Ban?

@smithbell81 Sorry but this is a non point. They're connected to Dave and Co, he's been spamming social media about entering while openly on steroids. Removing his name shows no system to catch others on TRT. This is just noise - nothing has changed
@smithbell81 Until CrossFit start using independent drug testing it’s all BS. Matt Fraser literally mocked how shit it is on Joe Rogans podcast.

And why won’t they use USADA, we all know why.
@smithbell81 Again CFHQ fails imagine the NBA commissioner coming out and saying the Steven A is banned for PED use?

Either this is the greatest promotion for the Open ever, or as Sevan calls him the doyen and communication channel form CrossFit announced he is banning an “influencer”
@smithbell81 Let me try something. Does CrossFit, as a “sport” (which is actually functional fitness, btw) give us anything more interesting to talk about at the moment? If yes, please tell us all what it is. If no, what does that say about the “sport”?
@smithbell81 Nothing to do with CrossFit, everything to do with Hiller. Hiller is just an attention whore, he'll do whatever necessary that will get him noticed. He was jumping up and down telling everyone he's on PED, trying to put CrossFit in a difficult position so he can use it for whatever story he wants to spin later. The fact that there are people here who think this is about CrossFit PED policy shows how easily people are manipulated.
@giftsigns Oh hey someone that sees what it really is!

It is a no lose scenario for him, he makes money from clicks, him entering the open has two outcomes, kicked out, or not kicked out. Either of those scenarios is a topic for him to make another you tube video. And that is it, it is about another round of content from the self proclaimed 'super hero'.
@smithbell81 I find it an interesting one on a number of levels.

In this day and age it absolutely wouldn’t be the strangest thing in the world for someone to say something purely for clout without it actually being true. It’s entirely possible that everything Hiller has said thus far about PED use has been a big ol fairytale. I personally don’t believe that to be the case, but it’s possible. Him just saying something probably isn’t really safe ground for issuing a ban without some sort of proof he is in breach of the rules.

Next scenario - he IS using, but at such a level which means he could / would still pass a test. If he passes a drug test even by the skin of his teeth then you can’t really ban him for being ‘just clean enough’.

And finally - the precedent this sets, particularly in the masters categories where literally thousands of folk across the world are doing the same drugs as part of HRT / TRT….. in fact, many of them can be found in the comments section of Hillers videos, also being open about how TRT is going for them and how it’s changed their lives etc.

If a public admission of using these drugs is enough to merit a ban - what does that mean for those folk in his comments sections who’ve also publicly admitted usage?

I do agree that this was a no-lose situation for Hiller though - but that only serves to add fuel to the fire of just how unfit for purpose the current drug policy is within CrossFit.

Hollers very open conversations about PED use should have really been an immediate flag for CrossFit to tug him for testing if they so wish. If discussions about PED’s put a red flag against his name and make him more likely to be tested, that’s fair. But I just don’t see how you can go banning people without at least proving they fail the criteria to be clean.