Any 4’9 - 5’0 ladies eat more than 1500 calories?


New member
So I use to have a binge eating disorder and just recovering now. Also have some health issues so I’m now upping my calories to 1400 as a start.

I just wanted to know if any short ladies are eating more and how often they work out?

Also just FYI, nothing wrong with any calories intake, I just personally want to see example of other short ladies who are eating more and how much they work out.
@excpomelo I’m 4’11 and maintain 18%ish body fat on 2000 calories a day. I lift 5x a week and do a half hour of yoga or cardio 3-4x each a week. I feel HORRIBLE on anything less than 1700
@rodneys Love this!! I think the key for being short is being more active, not to the point of punishment though. I strength train 4x a week and try to get 10k steps and can lose about a 1lb a week on 1500 cals. I can't wait till I can get up to maintenance cals!!

OP I also have dealt with binge-eating from constant over-restricting. The best thing for me is eating enough calories to feel satisfied, eating a lot of protein, and prioritizing whole foods. Also having a planned day where I eat something that feels like a "cheat" but stays either within my allotted cals or under maintenance. So for example last week I had a whole Mod pizza and ended up at 1700. Is my weight loss going to be slower? Sure. But it kept my sanity and I got to eat something I genuinely enjoy.
@stevo1k Can't agree with that enough - I dropped my higher amount of excess weight (68kg down to 64) through deficit but the only time I ever lose weight sustainably is by upping my activity. I've been stalled at 62/63 for ages but I have more muscle now and that's on about 1700 a day
@traciethered I’m sorry I’m not really sure what you’re asking. My BMR is 1350 and between NEAT and exercise calories I burn about 700 calories a day, so my maintenance is 2000.
@excpomelo I’m 5’0 and I can eat around 1700-1800 at maintenance at my current activity level (which is 30-40 minute workouts 5x a week, mainly strength but some cardio and also 2 walks with my dog a dog but she’s a sniffer so they’re not really active walks). When I actively try to move more, then I can eat more.

I like to think of it as I can be short and eat for my size or I can be short and active and eat for someone that’s a foot taller 😂
@excpomelo Maintain on 2000ish a day.

Strength training 3-4 times a week (usually 3 though tbh)

Walk a reasonable amount but work from home 3/4 days a week so very difficult to get 10K steps on those days but try to aim for 7K on those days.

I would like to have slightly less body fat but I cba to try ngl 😂 pretty happy with my body when I wake up.
@excpomelo No but I definitely feel like I could. I used to be so stuck on a 500 cal deficit (so eating like 1200-1300 cals and seeing minimal results). Now I eat more (1500 ish a day) and switched from working out 3x/week to 5x/week. Starting losing fat and results much quicker. I lift all 5 days and usually do a quick 10-15 min cardio session each of those days also.
@excpomelo 5’0”, ~135 lbs. I lose weight on 1500-1600, maintain at about 2100. I lift 2x/week and usually either a rowing workout or long walk on a third day, otherwise I have a desk job. I used to be able to eat lower than 1500 but then recomped for 2 years and now have more muscle but get extremely hungry if I do more than a day under 1500.
@excpomelo 5’0” and maintain at around 2,200/day!

Take your time and build up to a higher calorie level. You will likely be uncomfortable for a bit because of the volume. But it’s worth it!
@didyousaysomething It’s going to be a little bit of both. Some people are comfortable going from wherever they are in cals directly up to 2000+. For others, that’s just not possible without being absolutely uncomfortable.

The way I found the most success (for me) was to add ~100 cals, split between carbs and fats, every two weeks. Sometimes my coach waited an extra week or two. Sometimes that extra 100 cals felt like so much food. Weight fluctuations are normal, and don’t necessarily mean you aren’t still in your maintenance range.
@excpomelo Preface by saying I’m 5’1” so I’m one inch off… but yes, I started at the end of January. My calories are set to 1,650 (I am 5’1” and 126lbs).

I used to eat one meal a day with another snack occasionally and try to limit to 1,250 calories. I was always tired, discouraged, and it was a lot easier to say “fuck it” and binge when I felt like I messed up for the day.

I now weight lift 4-5x a week, have so much more energy, have so many more food options, feel a lot less guilty towards eating, im less bloated, and I’m still in a deficit (TDEE is around 1,800).

Upping my calories was a win win win and I’d recommend it to anyone who is under 1,400.

If you haven’t then check out a TDEE calculator to figure out your health deficit range :)
@excpomelo so jealous / inspired by this thread. 4'11 and gain weight if I go over 1300. I do muay thai 3-4 days a week (1-2 hours each), yoga, and occasionally kettlebell crosstraining. but if I eat pasta twice? none of that seems to matter lol