Anyone done PPL once a week with success?

@pinetowntree So you are saying do a rotation of push one day, then pull the next and also do legs on both of those days?

monday: push/legs

Wed: pull/legs

Fri: push/legs

Mon: pull/legs
@amanda11 No. Let's say it's MWF.

M: Push and Legs.

W: Legs and Pull.

F: Pull and Push.


M: Push, pull, legs

W: Push, pull, legs

F: Push, pull, legs

Just divide up the exercises you train in a sensible way.
@darksoul999 Consistency and effort over the years beats any specific split or programming.

If PPL 3x a week keeps you in the gym, you're already off to a great start.
@darksoul999 I’m still new to lifting, I was doing three sessions per week with a trainer for 8 months. Now I’m working out on my own and I tried to do Reddit PPL but 6 days/week just seems impossible if I want to be able to walk and move around the rest of the time. So at least for right now, I’m back to 3/week.
@jbwalker Why not go in between? Nothing is stopping you from doing PPL 4-5 times per week. It's called an asynchronous split, where your schedule doesn't "fit" in a week. Just take a rest day when you need one and you can work out as often as you want
@jbwalker I would jump off PPL and move to an upper lower split with a rest day in the middle. I went from a full body 3x a week and increased my days by 1. I just got used to that, now I have increased to 5 days without adding a crazy amount of fatigue. Usually the day I added became a small muscle/low fatigue muscles day. It still allows for recovery and I can get a pump in my biceps and calves.
@mrdj204 I’m looking to find the right balance between BJJ and lifting right now. Im not necessarily looking to become stronger, but lose fat to show my huge muscles, ha. So BJJ 3 times a week and only doing push pull legs once a week each is enough for you?
@darksoul999 I've had one client make really good progress with it. I generally dont use it as a programme but in retrospect it worked crazy well for that guy

I think it's just a very recoverable amount of volume whereas twice a week its very easy to overdo it.
@darksoul999 I've been lifting 6 days a week PPL for about 4 years now, I like the compound to accessory hierarchy and total volume possible with PPL.

I get gassed easily and heavily fatigued so I'd never get even close to enough volume doing full body 3x a week doing multiple compounds per day.

PPL allows me to do multiple sets and exercises accordingly to my fatigue levels yet still make damn decent gains.
@darksoul999 I think PPL is fine if you prefer it and program it properly, the volume and excersises shouldnt really change. I think thats when people get in trouble, they throw to much stuff in each day, instead of just spreading your weekly volume across 6 days.
You should be able to go from a 4 day upper lower and just spread the workload across 6 days and its the exact same program just spread out.
Or if you are on a U/L PPL, you cut the upper in half etc and spread it out.
I agree that 6 days is hard to sustain long term, but depending on life sometimes all you got time for is shorter sessions then ppl is useful, like wise sometimes you only got 4 days but you know you can spend longer in the gym, again depending on your current situation.
3 days PPL wouldnt be my first pick but if it works, good. Personally I dont think its the best choice, but everything works lets be honest.